JAMF Now and Intune

New Contributor

Hi Guys,

Now I know I'll get lots of "Jamf Pro has Intune integration available to go" responses. At present, JAMF Pro isn't an available option.

So, that said, if I were to use JAMF Now to push profiles onto the machines, could I also enrol them into Intune and have that checking basic compliance?

Thanks in advance,


New Contributor II

Yes, you certainly can. https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/Intune-Customer-Success/Configuring-Jamf-Pro-and-Intune-Integration/ba-p/334613 . Multiple documents but heres an overview link. https://resources.jamf.com/documents/technical-papers/integrating-with-microsoft-intune-to-enforce-compliance-on-macs-managed-by-jamf-pro-10.1.0-or-later.pdf

New Contributor II

A device can only be enrolled into one MDM at a time. MS has built some integration with Jamf Pro but I’m not aware of any with Jamf Now. Recommend using the chat feature in Jamf Now to get an authoritative answer.

Honored Contributor

If anyone is using Intune for conditional access to things I would be interested in hearing it. We are currently using Intune to manage windows 10 laptops only.

Contributor II

We are trying using Jamf with Conditional access. But there is problems and Jamf knows there is issues with clients loosing connection and been working in on it with several customers. So at the moment propably not the best time starting to implement this as long there are these known issues