Jamf Now Auto-enrollment - Standard User Account issues

New Contributor

I've done simple Jamf Now Auto-enrollment and have stupidly changed my User accounts to standard users using a terminal command I thought I could revert back to as and when needed. But I can't seem to revert the terminal command. Learnt my lesson is always have an extra admin account when using terminal commands.

Will I be able to boot into recovery mode on these Macs and removed the setup file, which allows the macOS setup assistant to run again? Or will the Jamf Now Auto-enrollment stop me from doing this?

Basically I want to do this: https://osxdaily.com/2022/03/25/no-admin-account-mac-fix-macos/ 

The terminal command I used was: sudo dseditgroup -o edit -d UserName -t user admin


New Contributor III

If the computer is still enrolled in Jamf you should be able to make a policy that sets up a new Admin User.

New Contributor

How would I go about setting up new policy to set up new Admin User?

New Contributor III

Create a new policy on Jamf Pro. Name it whatever you'd like and scope it to the computer you want. Scroll down to Local Account and Configure a new user and make sure at the bottom you also select the check box "Allow user to administer computer"

New Contributor

I am only using Jamf Now Fundamentals, is that still possible on this version of Jamf Now?