10.10.3 - Configuration profile exemption not being applied to 1 client

New Contributor

Having a funny problem with a Mac that recently upgraded from 10.8 to 10.10 via Self Service (following the JAMF method)

So we have a departmental exemption for Systems Preferences that gets applied against all 10.10 Macs. (enforced via configuration profile) However, in this client's case, the entire Systems Preferences box is greyed out unless I remove the departmental exemption from the profile.

I have tried:

  1. Restarting multiple times
  2. Clearing system and user caches, rebooting
  3. Removing the departmental exemption from the profile, applying it again, save changes = no luck
  4. Removing the departmental exemption from the profile, adding the client as an exemption via machine name, saving changes = no luck
  5. Deleting from Casper, enrolling the client again, pulling profiles down as usual = no luck
  6. After enrolling again, repeating steps 3 & 4.
  7. Removing the user assigned to the client, running Recon, and then assigning the client to the user again (to save the departmental change again) - running Recon again, then
    sudo jamf manage
  8. Of course, trashing Managed Preferences and killing cfprefsd multiple times.

This is the only client that has had this problem. Upgraded my own Mac to 10.10.3 via this same method and I am in the same department as this other person. However, I am not seeing this issue.

Has anyone else seen this behavior?


Valued Contributor II

have you on the client done
sudo jamf removeFramework
and then re-enroll the computer?

New Contributor

@nessts Just tried this. Didn't work, ugh.


We've had this pop up a few times. This worked for me:

sudo update_dyld_shared_cache -force
sudo jamf removeFramework
Restart machine
Re-install Quick Add package.

Also running sudo jamf enroll -prompt will sometimes show errors with the MDM profiles that may narrow your scope of the issue.


@laurendc not sure if this will work but so far 10.10.3 has proven to be problematic for the most part even with AD. I recently upgraded to 10.10.4 (beta) and problem is gone.. but here try this.

1: sudo jamf RemoveFramework 2: via ARD or Executable :


Remove MCX Settings

/bin/rm -rf /Library/Managed Preferences/*

Rebuild computer level MCX

/usr/bin/dscl . -delete /Computers
/usr/sbin/jamf mcx

Rebuild user level MCX

userNames=/usr/sbin/jamf listUsers | /usr/bin/grep <name> | /usr/bin/cut -d'<' -f 2 | /usr/bin/cut -d'>' -f 2
for activeUserName in $userNames; do echo "Removing MCXFlags for user $activeUserName" /usr/bin/dscl . -delete "/Users/$activeUserName" MCXFlags

echo "Removing MCXSettings for user $activeUserName" /usr/bin/dscl . -delete "/Users/$activeUserName" MCXSettings

echo "Rebuilding MCX preferences for user $activeUserName" /usr/sbin/jamf mcx -username "$activeUserName"

3: reboot machine

Let us know ( the community if this works)
