10.8.2 Loginwindow Spinning Beachball

Contributor II

Hi All,

I have an AD bind script the automatically binds the Macs to AD. To stop users trying to login whilst this is happening I unload the loginwindow and once bound reload the loginwindow with Launchctl.

This has worked fine from 10.6 to 10.8 but 10.8.2 does not seam to like it. When the loginwindo unloads the mac unloads the loginwindow process and then just beach balls. Forcing a reboot fixes the problem but thats not really ideal.

Anyone else have the same problem ?



Valued Contributor II

I am unloading the login window during my firstboot and it does not beach ball.
How are you doing it? launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.loginwindow.plist

and then launchctl load?

Contributor II

Yeah exactly

Honored Contributor II

An alternative I used a while ago was "killall -stop", followed by "killall -cont" but I'm not sure if they still work in 10.8. I would use Big Honking Text to put a message up covering the screen, something like "Joining Domain, Please Wait...". Here's a link to it if you don't have it:


Use BigHonkingText --help for usage syntax.