10.8 server not serving updates to 10.8

New Contributor II

OK, this seems counter intuitive, but............
I've updated my Lion SUSs to Mountain Lion in preparation for our Mountain Lion rollout.
The Mountain Lion SUSs server updates to Snow Leopard and Lion clients just fine. However, they don't seem to server updates to Mountain Lion Clients- when I try, they default to Apple and download all of their updates, including the 10.8.3 update that causes some mysterious problems with our current build.
Anyone seen this or have a fix?


New Contributor III

What sucatalog are you referencing?

New Contributor II

I'm just using index.sucatalog- that's what Casper uses when setting the SUSs server.


Valued Contributor

I think you'll find your 10.8 clients are receiving that catalog url with a space at the end. Try setting the catalog url via managed preferences and see if that solves it.

I believe it's a bug.

Contributor II

We use:

Contributor II

Try this, you will most likely see the space mentioned earlier..

lisad$ defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate.plist | grep CatalogURL
    CatalogURL = "http://yourserver.yourdomain:8088/index.sucatalog ";

We use a script for applying software updates, discussed extensively in other posts.. I added the following regex to the perl script to remove the trailing space and didn't want to use MCX.

my $CATALOGURL=`defaults read /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL`;
$CATALOGURL =~ s/^s+|s+$//g;
system "defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL $CATALOGURL";

my $ROOTCATALOGURL=`defaults read /var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL`;
$ROOTCATALOGURL =~ s/^s+|s+$//g;
system "defaults write /var/root/Library/Preferences/com.apple.SoftwareUpdate CatalogURL $ROOTCATALOGURL";

JAMF gave us this defect id: D-003070

New Contributor II

Yeah, I'v tried all these options and so far no luck.
I can use the default read cmd and it returns the correct address, but still goes to apple.
I input the value manually to avoid the end space- still goes to apple.
I'm running out of options and ideas.

New Contributor II

OK, I'v gotten a bit closer on this. The software-update plist in /var/root seems to be causing some problems with the troubleshooting.

What happens is tat if I use the write defaults to manually input the server address, it works, but if I use Casper to set the SUS, it doesn't. Its that nasty 'space' at the end of the URL.

I have a good number of SUS dist point across the country, so I'd need to be able to dynamically scope these to those users. I'v been doing it by Building/Network Segment. But obviously I can't use the Casper feature to set sus.
So how would be an efficient way to do it that doesn't involve manually scoping policies to change it?