802.1x Login Menu


Hello Everyone,

We have been preparing our laptops for 802.1x and are seeing a small issue on the login page. We need the Wi-Fi option to either be the default option, or the only option.

How can this be accomplished? Alternatively, we can look at turning off Bluetooth PAN. Is this change something that can be done via a script?


Honored Contributor

You can do this manually by going to System Preferences > Network. Click the gear icon and then Set Service Order. Then you drag the interfaces into the order you'd like. I always put Ethernet first with WiFi second, but your requirements may differ. There may be a way to do this via CLI but I'm not sure how this would be done.d29fdc60e9994f658cde0d8cd356a8b1

Honored Contributor

it looks like the networksetup command may do it.

Usage: networksetup -ordernetworkservices <service1> <service2> <service3> <...>
    Order the services in order specified. Use "-listnetworkserviceorder" to view service order.
    Note: use quotes around service names which contain spaces (ie. "Built-in Ethernet").