802.1x profiles

Valued Contributor II

Yesterday I had to go to a remote site because their 10.6.x systems were having problems connecting to wireless.

Upon investigation I found they had a lot of 802.1x profiles setup. Is there a way to programatically erase the profiles and reset new ones?

I dont have any certificates or anything - basically the users select the wifi network they want, it prompts for their domain credentials, and then creates the profile, and sets the default as the wireless network so everytime they connect, it checks the profile and authenticates.

There's about 40-50 machines there, so touching each system is not at the top of my list.


Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

I am out of the office and can't find my notes in Evernote, but I think I use networksetup to do this. If I recall correctly there is a switch to list all profiles and then you can delete the ones you want.

Valued Contributor

I have used this and works:

##Set some variables
setuuid=cat /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist | grep /Sets/ | cut -c 16-51

##Delete any previous TLS 802.1x entry to SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Delete :Sets:$setuuid:Network:Interface:en1:EAPOL:UserName" $EAPSystemProfiles

got it from my previous link: