9.4 Known Issues

Valued Contributor II

Now that 9.4 has been officially released I'm a little concerned about these after reading through the release notes...

[D-006627] When restarting a computer that has been imaged using Casper Imaging, the computer
fails to enroll if attempting to connect to the JSS via an Apple Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adapter.

[D-006636] Login and logout hooks implemented via the JSS will not run on computers with OS X


Contributor II

This is a pretty massive known issue for us. We won't be deploying 9.4 till this gets fixed. Little surprise JAMF decided to release 9.4 with [D-006627].

Update: We found we were already performing the workaround for the Thunderbolt Ethernet adapters and that has been working for quite a while.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

DeployStudio-using folks ran into a similar-sounding issue to D-006627 a while back. @golbiga wrote a script to address it:


Valued Contributor II

@rtrouton - when I ran into enrollment issues because ethernet wasn't active in 9.3, support told me there was nothing I could do, that I'd just have to login to every machine post image so it could enroll (fun with 7000 machines!). Shortly after, I sent them @golbiga's script "in case anyone else ran into this."

Sad if that never got sent to anyone and solves the issue (it did for me).

New Contributor II

Not only that, don't forget this lovely gem:

? [D-005612] Casper Admin fails to compile configurations if the master distribution point is a file share distribution point hosted on Windows Server.

That's definitely going to hold up my adoption. :(

Valued Contributor II

@CasperSally do you run that during first boot?

Valued Contributor II

@Chris_Hafner][/url - it's a script that runs at reboot. I named it so it's the first script that runs (I have a few scripts that run at reboot during imaging).

Contributor III

@ahambidge [D-005612] seems like a don't roll this out live until we fix this kind of bug. I guess there must be less people running on Windows server than I thought? Or not using compiled configurations. I do both.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

That's not a bug new to 9.4 though, right?

Valued Contributor II

Which one?

[D-006627] When restarting a computer that has been imaged using Casper Imaging, the computer
fails to enroll if attempting to connect to the JSS via an Apple Thunderbolt to Ethernet Adapter.

is not new. I'm not sure about the other one.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Sorry but both the enrolment & compiling defects. I thought they existed pre-9.4?

Valued Contributor II

Yea, the enrollment 'issue' has been around for a bit. Not sure about Windows DP issue.

New Contributor

I'm on 9.32 and experience the Windows DP issue when compiling a config.

Valued Contributor II

@bentoms][/url I'm using thunderbolt ethernet adapters and my machines enroll under 9.31. I'm curious what are the symptoms of the defect under older versions? Maybe I'm just not noticing it.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jhbush1973.. I've not seen it on 9.x at all.

So I think it's an imaging workflow thing.

Valued Contributor II

I think it's a mix of terms. When you image with 9.x on a device using a thunderbolt to ethernet adaptor the unit will not fully enroll until it sorts out it's network connection again. Because there is such a lag with the units finally realizing that they have a thunderbolt connection your users may not be able to use things like Self-Service until the unit is either rebooted or picks up on the connection.

At least that's my experience. I do help it along though by running a First run script that reminds it to check itself. I also delete:


on my base OS

Legendary Contributor III

I'll be watching this thread and the other similar one for continued updates on 9.4. Although its still a little ways off for us for our upgrade, I'm already pretty pumped about some of the features included in 9.4, like around Self Service badging and other enhancements. JAMF has obviously been busy.
That's good, but it doesn't negate the need for some simple bug fix releases too, per this request - https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/featureRequest.html?id=2345

I just hope some of the known issues aren't showstoppers for us. Going to get our dev server prepped for a 9.4 upgrade soon.

Valued Contributor II

Right! I've always thought of it as the 'laced carrot' approach. Boy those carrots look good don't they ;-) In all seriousness, this is great stuff and the side effects are minor. I am now running 9.4 in production despite my inventory woe (easy work around).

In other news, I'm voting this up as well.

Valued Contributor II

Just to tie back in (I had forgotten that I posted to this thread as well). My supposed inventory issue, mentioned above is a new feature of Self-Service. It's offsetting inventory processes to run in the background when initiated via Self-Service. So far, I'm 100% on 9.4 and running in production!

P.S> These known issues are preexisting... not new.

Valued Contributor II

@Chris_Hafner are you seeing issues with dialog boxes in Self Service?
external image link

Valued Contributor II

Wow, not like that! I do sometimes see a white scroll strip on the right hand side of the dialog box but nothing like what you're showing me here.

New Contributor

Our Self Service is messed up also now after 9.4.
The login and password boxes are up in the top left corner.
There is no color and the icon is missing. Things look wrong after you login too.

This is on all previously enrolled Macs. New Macs are ok.
Not sure what to do about this.

New Contributor

Looks like the issues resolve if you force Self Service to work a bit. Work it for a few minutes with packages and policies. Restart it a few times and that seems to fix it.
Looks normal and improved now.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

@tango123j I've found that the Self Service app's cached data at ~/Library/Caches/ can cause weird display quirks sometimes. You can try clearing out the user cache on any machine you notice is displaying things weirdly and see if that helps. If you run ```
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice/
``` in the Terminal, then reopen Self Service, it creates new caches of the server-side data (login splash page, plug-in icons, etc.).

New Contributor

Great tip WonderWoman!
Thank you!
We will definitely try that.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

@tango123j I am so okay with being known as Wonder Woman.

Since I deploy our branded Self Service app via policy rather than automatically, I just throw in a maintenance config that clears the user cache when it installs the new copy of the app. That way it'll get a fresh data cache.

New Contributor

Is there an easy way to make this into a policy?
rm -r ~/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice/
If I put this into a policy "as is", it will clear the Self Service cache of the management account, right?
And I want it to clear the Self Service cache of all the logged in users I scope to..

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I tried something similar the first time I ran the policy to push the new app out, but it didn't work. It may have to be something like:


# find current user
currentUser=`ls -l /dev/console | cut -d " " -f 4`

# remove selfservice cache in current user's user cache
rm -r /Users/$currentUser/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice/

Or whatever (not the best at scripting on the fly, but I think you'll have to find out the current user before this will work).

Legendary Contributor III

You could try something like this to clear it out from all visible user accounts (UID 501 and up)


while read USER; do
    rm -R /Users/$USER/Library/Caches/com.jamfsoftware.selfservice/* 2>/dev/null
done < <(dscl . list /Users UniqueID | awk '$2 > 500 {print $1}')

New Contributor III

I would say Casper in general ref to 9.x simply have too many defects to be a working solution and version 9.4 just add insult to injury. It’s a real same JAMF’s can’t get the bare bones working before adding new features…?

This may sound negative, but when you spent hours trying to get things working… only to find out there are more defects.

Contributor II

Sadly our 9.4 upgrade went horribly wrong. The install process seemed to go ok, but then one of our admins noticed 2/3 of our policies had "disappeared." When we tried to revert the update and restore the database to the archive we created before starting we got a number of errors. Long story short we had to change max_allowed_packet to get the database to even restore. We are working with JAMF to try to figure out why our policies disappeared, but don't have an answer yet. In contrast our upgrade on our development server went very well.

Valued Contributor II

We decided to move from 8.73 to 9.32 instead of to 9.4 due to existing defects and potential new defects. The upgrade went well, and we will continue testing 9.4x in our test environment. We did have to clear the Self Service cache to get our custom background back.

Contributor II

Got off the phone with our TAM and he informed me that theres an known issue with the clients CPU being pegged cause by the binaries which in turn drains the battery.

New Contributor III

Hi everyone,

I've got a dev JSS server and even tho I delete Macintosh HD ? Users ? ~ ? Library ? Caches ? com.jamfsoftware.selfservice the self service is still defaulting back to the JAMF branding.

Was working fine under 9.32 and the required files are still in the same location on the server, so any suggestions?

Esteemed Contributor III

Anyone trying 9.51? Sorry, I don't mean to hijack this 9.4 thread. :D


Valued Contributor II

I'm running 9.5.1 in production. So far so good. Wondering about anything in specific?

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I'm on 9.51 and my JSS Mac Mini servers are on 10.9.5. I found that for some reason with this build + this OS that the permissions on the files cause display problems. I've fixed this by going up to the ROOT folder within Tomcat web apps and applying it's permissions to all enclosed items. Once I did that, everything was displaying correctly.

You'll also need to note that any time you upgrade the JSS, you have to replace the custom imagery. It all gets written over when you do a JSS upgrade.

Valued Contributor II

Interesting. My box's are running 10.9.4 so I'll keep a close eye out for this one.

Valued Contributor II

At JAMF's request, I created a feature request since the 'enable ethernet adapter' issue still exists, at least in my testing with 9.65 and 10.10. I think it makes sense as something that should be built into the product.
