Adobe DPS Tools

New Contributor III

I recently discovered that Adobe's DPS Toolkit is not updatable or "package-able" through AAMEE. It looks like its not possible. Here is the link from Adobe -

The steps given didn't seem to work too well for me. Has anyone had any luck with this? I could really use some help figuring out how to properly deploy it.



Valued Contributor

This package seems to be an Air based installer. You can't run this without a user being logged in, so make it available via Self Service.

1) Download DPS Desktop Tools for InDesign CS6

2) Create a folder Called DPS in /private/tmp/ and copy the DPS Installer app to /private/tmp/DPS folder

3) Drag and drop DPS folder to Composer

4) Create a Postflight Shell Script in Composer

## postflight
## Not supported for flat packages.


# Temporarily enable Adobe updates to get this installer running
mv "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat" "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat"

# Install the update
$3/private/tmp/DPS/ -mode=silent

# Put a delay of 30 seconds to get it installed
sleep 30

# Rename it back to its original name and the updates will be suppressed again
mv "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat" "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat"

exit 0## Success
exit 1## Failure

5) Create a Non-Flat package and upload to Casper Admin with Priority 10

As DPS tools installer installs Adobe Air with it, if you need to Disable Air auto updates;

6) On Mac OS, create a file named updateDisabled in the /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR directory (instructions taken from ADOBE AIR Administrator’s Guide)

touch ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/updateDisabled 

7) You'll see a new file gets created in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR folder after you run the previous command.

8) Drag-and-drop updateDisabled file to Composer and Create a DMG package

9) Upload it to Casper Admin with "FUT" and "FEU" selected and make it Priority 11 (as this needs to be run after DPS tools)

10) Create a Self Service policy and include these 2 installers and Done.

Updated instructions for v29.0.0 can be found here;

New Contributor III

@ Kumarasinghe Can you elaborate on

Create a Non-Flat package and upload to Casper Admin with Priority 10


I'm not sure if the packages I'm creating are flat or non-flat. How would I know?

Also, thank you for the instructions!

New Contributor III

Also, here is what I got after I tried an install using Self Service.
external image link

Valued Contributor
I'm not sure if the packages I'm creating are flat or non-flat. How would I know?

When you are creating a PKG using Composer and if it has a Postflight script (shell), Composer will ask whether you want to create a Non-flat package or not.

What happens if you run this command manually on the client?

1) Temporarily enable Adobe updates to get this installer running (if you have a AAMEE created package and updates been turned off)

sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat" "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat"

2) Install the update

sudo /private/tmp/DPS/ -mode=silent

Make sure you rename AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat back to its original name and the updates will be suppressed again.

sudo mv "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat" "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat"

New Contributor III

I tried the steps listed above. I didn't get an error, but when I go into an InDesign file and select Window - Folio Builder, I get the following message: "Digital Publishing Suite - A software update is required to use Digital Publishing Suite. Please go to the Help menu and select Updates to get the required software.".

I've sent a problem ticket into Adobe. I'll let you know what I hear.

New Contributor III

After rebuilding the package, I was able to get the install to work, but I'm seeing the post script file fail: #!/bin/sh
## postflight
## Not supported for flat packages.


# Temporarily enable Adobe updates to get this installer running
mv "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat" "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat"

# Install the update
$3/private/tmp/DPS/ -mode=silent

# Put a delay of 30 seconds to get it installed
sleep 30

# Rename it back to its original name and the updates will be suppressed again
mv "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat" "$3/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat"

exit 0## Success
exit 1## Failure

I'm able to start using DPS through Folio Builder, just wondering why the script is failing?

Thanks for putting this workaround together. I really appreciate it. ---------------------------

Also, I've heard back from Adobe and here's an update:

"Here is what I found out . . . we think it may be SSH-related.

The DPS tools are AIR-based and there is currently a bug in AIR that prevents the DPS tools from being installed over SSH.

  1. Are you installing via SSH?

  2. Can you turn SSH off if needed?

To overcome this in our AAMEE workflow, we create an exceptions folder and allow users to put the Air based apps (including the runtime) in this folder. Then we have a another tool to install those exceptions. Unfortunately, this tool can only be used to install exceptions packages made by AAMEE, and AAMEE doesn't yet support the DPS Tools."

Since I don't want to disable SSH, I've asked that they further troubleshoot.

Valued Contributor

Where does it fail? see the logs and find out why.
run the script manually and see.

Its working fine for us.

New Contributor III

Here's the log for the complete package. Even though I get the error, the package installs correctly on the users computer.

Policy log: C07GV151DJD3 at Tuesday, June 18 2013 at 2:21 PM

/usr/sbin/jamf is version 8.63
Executing Policy Adobe DPS Toolkit Update...
[STEP 1 of 3]
Downloading BOM for DPS.pkg...
Downloading Components of
Installing DPS.pkg...
Installation failed. The installer reported: installer: Package name is DPS
installer: Installing at base path /
installer: The install failed (The Installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for assistance.)
[STEP 2 of 3]
Verifying DMG...
Error: The downloaded package could not be verified.
[STEP 3 of 3]
Running Recon...

and then the log when running only the script:

Sending Wake On LAN command...
Opening SSH Connection to
Accepting authentication method...
Successfully authenticated.
Verifying Computer's Identity...
The MAC Address has been verified.
Checking Operating System Version...
Running Mac OS X 10.8.3 (12D78)
Verifying /usr/sbin/jamf...
/usr/sbin/jamf is current (8.63)
Verifying /usr/sbin/jamfvnc...
/usr/sbin/jamfvnc does not exist.
Verifying /Library/Preferences/com.jamfsoftware.jamf.plist...
Preparing Policy...
Executing Policy 2013-06-19 at 9:19 AM | tfriedm | 1 Computer...
Creating directory structure for /Library/Application Support/JAMF/Downloads/
Running script
Script exit code: 2
Script result: /private/tmp/ line 1: {rtf1ansiansicpg1252cocoartf1187cocoasubrtf370: command not found
/private/tmp/ line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `}'
/private/tmp/ line 2: `{fonttblf0fmodernfcharset0 Courier;}'
Submitting log to

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Are you caching it 1st or direct from a distribution point?

New Contributor III

Direct from Casper Share.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Try & cache locally & then install.

Valued Contributor

It looks like text formatting in the script is incorrect.
Use TextWrangler app to create the script and post your results.


With the latest release of DPS Tools 28, I was wondering if there was a status update to this thread or if anyone had come up with a different solution or insight for this install...

Thanks in advance!

New Contributor II

One thing I noticed is that I had to include the "payloads" folder as well as the installer in my Composer package, and use the script provided by @tfriedm for it to install correctly. Otherwise I was seeing the same popup window as @bgreeno.

Valued Contributor

Updated Instructions for DPS Tools 29.0.0

This package seems to be an Air based installer. You can't run this without a user being logged in, so make it available via Self Service.

1) Download DPS Desktop Tools for InDesign CS6

2) Create a folder Called DPS in /private/tmp/ and copy the DPS Installer app to /private/tmp/DPS folder

3) Drag and drop DPS folder to Composer

4) Create a Postflight Shell Script in Composer

## postflight
## Not supported for flat packages.


# Install the update
$3/private/tmp/DPS/ -installSourcePath=$3/private/tmp/DPS/payloads --mode=silent

exit 0      ## Success
exit 1      ## Failure

Instructions taken from

5) Create a Non-Flat package and upload to Casper Admin with Priority 10

As DPS tools installer installs Adobe Air with it, if you need to Disable Air auto updates;

6) On Mac OS, create a file named updateDisabled in the /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR directory (instructions taken from ADOBE AIR Administrator’s Guide)

touch ~/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/updateDisabled

7) You'll see a new file gets created in /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR folder after you run the previous command.

8) Drag-and-drop updateDisabled file to Composer and Create a DMG package

9) Upload it to Casper Admin with "FUT" and "FEU" selected and make it Priority 11 (as this needs to be run after DPS tools)

10) Create a Self Service policy and include these 2 installers and Done.


Kumarasinghe script works a treat for me, as in the DPS update get applied silently.

The only problem I seem to have now is once the update is installed the Adobe AAM pops up on every CS6 inDesign launch asking to sign in. The user can click cancel and carry on but that's a bit crap. Logouts and reboots have been run,

I'm currently installing CS6 via a package created by AAMEE that has our serial added, updates turned off and air install disabled, then a second package to install the DPS patch as Kumarasinghe script shows.

Anyone else having issues?

We are running OSX 10.8.5 (12F45) and JSS 8.73

Valued Contributor II

Thank you for this, had a bit of a rush job to get this figured out, and lo and behold it was here :)

I too however am having an issue where it's now prompting for an adobe id..

Will a serialization file resolve it?

Valued Contributor

Adobe ID is part of DPS tools. Nothing to do with the serialisation.

New Contributor

This was very helpful. Thanks!

New Contributor II

Anyone have any luck using this with CC?

Contributor III

Hi all.

I have managed to create a working Self Service policy for the DPS Tools for Adobe CC 2014. Steps I used are as follows:

  • Download the DPS Tools from the Adobe website:

  • Mount the downloaded dmg and copy the "AdobeDigitalPublishingCC2014-AdobeUpdate" folder to /tmp This folder includes the and a payloads folder

  • Drag the "AdobeDigitalPublishingCC2014-AdobeUpdate" folder from /tmp to Composer and create a dmg. Then upload it to Casper Admin

  • Create the following script

# Temporarily enable Adobe updates to get this installer running
mv "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat" "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat"

# Install the update
/private/tmp/AdobeDigitalPublishingCC2014-AdobeUpdate/ -installSourcePath=/private/tmp/DPS/payloads --mode=silent

# Put a delay of 90 seconds to get it installed
sleep 90

# Rename it back to its original name and the updates will be suppressed again
mv "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs_bkp.dat" "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat"

exit 0      ## Success
exit 1      ## Failure
  • Upload the script to Casper Admin - set it to run After

  • Create a Self Service policy that installs the dmg and runs the script

You need to ensure that InDesign is not running during the installation of DPS Tools.

Hope that helps.

Honored Contributor

I have something similar except I don't deal with the AdobeUpdaterAdminPrefs.dat file. In my testing it installs just fine regardless of whether updates are suppressed or not.

I also don't use Composer. I use Packages. But the concept is similar:

  1. Download DPS Update from
  2. Create a preinstall script that checks to make sure InDesign CC 2014 is installed:

#Name of InDesign CC 2014 path
InDesignPath="/Applications/Adobe InDesign CC 2014/Adobe InDesign CC"

#Run the DPS Update installer in silent mode
if [ -d "$InDesignPath" ]; then
    echo "Adobe InDesign CC 2014 has been detected. Installation will continue."
    exit 0
    echo "Adobe InDesign CC 2014 has not been detected. Installation cannot continue."
    exit 1
  1. Create a postinstall script to check that user is logged in and proceed with DPS update install:

#Working directory for script to reference resources
install_dir=`dirname $0`

#Determine current logged in user
User="$(who|awk '/console/ {print $1}')"

#Name of Digital Publishing Suite Update installer

#Run the DPS Update installer in silent mode
if [ "$User" != "" ]; then
    echo "A user is logged in. DPS Update will begin installation."
    /usr/bin/hdiutil attach -nobrowse -readonly $install_dir/"$DPSDMG"
    $DPSInstall --installSourcePath="$DPSPayload" --mode=silent
    sleep 30
    /usr/bin/hdiutil detach "$DPSDMGVolume"
    exit 0
    echo "A user is not logged in. DPS Update cannot install without a user logged in."
    exit 1
  1. Create a flat package using Packages. Add the preinstall and post install scripts. Add the DPS update in the Additional Resources section. And build.

Refer to

Edit: I'll have to add additional logic to ensure that InDesign isn't running in the preinstall script now that you mention it shouldn't be running. Although right now the package is just part of a big CC suite deployment.

Contributor III

Thanks @stevevalle

Your solution worked in our environment (Creative Cloud for Teams 2014 with user updates disabled).

I just needed to add /var/ to the path

/private/var/tmp/AdobeDigitalPublishingCC2014-AdobeUpdate/ -installSourcePath=/private/var/tmp/DPS/payloads --mode=silent