Allow User to Manually check for MacOS Updates

New Contributor

We currently have a Configuration Profile in place which automatically manages the MacOS updates. This is working well and tends to update after a week or so after an official release.
The only issue is that this has removed the option for the end users to manually check for available updates. The message is now 'Updates for this Mac are managed by xxx '
Is there a way I can enable a select few users to retain the ability to manually check for updates and install as required ? 

Thank you  


Esteemed Contributor II

You'll need to exclude the users you want to be able to manually check for updates from the scope of your Configuration Profile that forces automatic updates. You can still use a Configuration Profile to defer the availability of updates for those users.

Esteemed Contributor

Users should be able to open terminal and run softwareupdate -l which is not limited by the Configuration Profile, it will check for updates and tell them if there are available updates. You can also make a policy with that command users can run from SelfService to accomplish the same thing. Baring that, as @sdagley said you will need to Exclude users from the Configuration Profile to have access to Software Updates in System Settings.

New Contributor

Thank you both, I now have 2 options available to present to the users in question.