API - Flushing a Single Policy for a Single Computer

New Contributor III

Hi all

I am using API for the first time ever.

The need to use API has crept up as I have discovered that apparently there is now the ability to flush a single policy for a single device by using the API protocols. It was apparently implemented in 9.96 - check it out here.

Looking at the JSS REST API Resource Documentation, I have worked out that I can use it to obtain the necessary JSS IDs for a computer and a policy.

However looking at the '/commandflush' aspect of the API, I just can't work out how I would get the specific policy for a specific computer to be flushed. Basically what I am after, is the ability to tell (or 'Put' in API language) for the status of a computer ID to be changed to 'Pending' for a particular policy ID.

This is my early attempt of creating a bash script to achieve this....


jssAPIuser=[input a jss account]
jssAPIpassword=[input the password]
jssURL=[input your jss url]
macName='systemsetup -getcomputername | awk '{print $3}''
policyName=[input policy name] | sed 's/ /%20/g'

macJSSid=curl -H "Accept: text/xml" -sfku "$jssAPIuser:$jssAPIpassword" "$jssURL/JSSResource/computers/name/$macName" | xpath /computer/general/id[1] | awk -F'>|<' '{print $3}')
policyID=curl -H "Accept: text/xml" -sfku "$jssAPIuser:$jssAPIpassword" "$jssURL/JSSResource/policies/name/$policyName" | xpath /policy/general/id[1] | awk -F'>|<' '{print $3}')

From the above script, I am up to the point of where I have obtained the computer ID and the policy ID. I am now a bit lost as to taking it further to implement the 'Put' I am trying to accomplish.

Can anybody help me out further here please?

Thanks in advance.


Valued Contributor II

The JSS documentation says to use Delete and not Put. I'm using Delete in one of my scripts and it looks like this (notice -X DELETE)

    curl -H "Accept: application/xml" -sfku "$username:$password" "$server/JSSResource/computers/serialnumber/$i" -X DELETE

Valued Contributor

I'm going to throw my 2 cents in here

I think /commandflush is for MDM Management Commands unfortunately not policies. And I think it just will sort of reset all of them to be pushed again?

What you're looking for I think is under /logflush ...but good luck with it. Because I'm not sure either how to do it.

Valued Contributor

And to save the day, some help from the MacAdmins slack channel.

You need to create some XML with the info.

<logflush> <log>policy</log> <log_id>1</log_id> <interval>THREE MONTHS</interval> <computers> <computer> <id>1</id> </computer> </computers> </logflush>

Then send it this way
curl -X DELETE https://your.jss.org/JSSResource/logflush -d '<XML>'

So mine I did to try and test
curl -sSkiu APIUser:'APIPass' "https://mycasperserver:8443/JSSResource/logflush" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d '<logflush><log>policy</log><log_id>1427</log_id><interval>Zero Day</interval><computers><computer><id>1533</id></computer></computers></logflush>' -X DELETE

This flushed the policy for that computer immediately.

New Contributor III

@boberito Thanks for helping out.

curl -sSkiu APIUser:'APIPass' "https://mycasperserver:8443/JSSResource/logflush" -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -d '<logflush><log>policy</log><log_id>1427</log_id><interval>Zero Day</interval><computers><computer><id>1533</id></computer></computers></logflush>' -X DELETE

I modified this for my setup, and it achieved a result. But rather than flushing a single policy, it instead flushed all of the policies for that one computer.

So I must have gone wrong somewhere...

What I did was changed the <log_id>1427</log_id> value to the same policy ID value. As this is the only part of the XML that seems to suggest some logical of specifying the specific policy. Is that correct?

I also changed the <computer><id>1533</id></computer> to ensure it only impacted the single computer (scope), which it seemed to have done correct.

Any ideas?

Many thanks.

Valued Contributor

I have no idea. I wonder if it actually flushed all the policies as well for me! haha

New Contributor

It flushes all policies for that machine for me. I think someone at JAMF forgot an 'AND' in the SQL command...

New Contributor III

I’ve also been playing around with this and found that all policies for the computer in question are flushed. Has anyone made any progress - or is it worth flagging this as a bug?

New Contributor III

An alternative approach that seems to work is by specifying only the policy and not referencing any machines. This seems to flush all logs for that policy - which is useful in certain circumstances.

ALL THE FOLLOWING SHOULD BE ON ONE LINE (the variables will need to have been assigned for it to work):

curl -vks -u $apiUser:$apiPass https://${jssAddress}:8443/JSSResource/logflush/policy/id/$policyID/interval/Zero+Day -X DELETE

New Contributor II

I'm trying to do this, but I keep getting "This Request requires user authentication". Any idea on what permissions are needed to do this? 

New Contributor

It flushes all for me. Would like to see this fixed so that our support tech can use our web portal instead of going to JSS.

New Contributor

@amosdeane i used your one liner it works great,
I also try to get a one-liner to push a single policy to all computers in scope but can't find the syntax.
can you help?


New Contributor III

HI, I know this is an old post but I have run across the need to do this now. Is it possible using the API to flush the log of a policy just for 1 computer?

Contributor II

This is unsupported by the looks if it:


The ability to flush logs is currently only supported for flushing all logs for a given policy or all logs for a given computer. There is no support for flushing logs for a given policy and computer combination.

From https://developer.jamf.com/jamf-pro/reference/logflush-1

Shame as it would be very useful!