Posted on
06:46 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Hey all,
Having an issue where random apps launch from dock breaks the icon on the dock and in Launchpad. Apps affected can't launch from the Applications folder but seem to launch fine from the Dock or Launchpad .The icons appear as the blank pencil and brush icon. Happens pretty sporadically and the app is usually random. Sometimes Chrome will break and office will be okay and vice versa after a reboot.
Wondering if anyone has seen this issue before?
Posted on 05-23-2019 12:38 AM
I had icons disappearing for individual apps, but not the symptoms you describe. Have you checked the permissions of the apps in question, and of the /Applications folder?
Posted on 05-23-2019 02:57 AM
How to Rebuild Launchpad Database in OS X Yosemite (10.10) and Later
In the Terminal window, enter the following:
defaults write ResetLaunchPad -bool true; killall Dock
Launchpad has now been reset.
The next time you open Launchpad, the app will rebuild the databases it needs. Launchpad may take a bit longer than usual to launch the first time, and the Launchpad display will now be in its default organization, with Apple apps shown first, and third-party apps next.