Jamf 9.98 & MySQL 5.7.x

Valued Contributor II

I was testing the workflow to upgrade 9.98 and mysql. the 9.98 seemed to upgrade as expected. when I updated mysql though, I got the error about needing to change the root password.. which took some googling as the docs were confusing.. finally got back into mysql and went to use my database, mysql returned unknown database. show databases; listed

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| sys                |
4 rows in set (0.01 sec)

... any ideas where'd my database went? It's not critical, thankfully this was just a test server I spun up and not my production one.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@jwojda Speak to support.. they should have a docs on this.

Valued Contributor

I've found the 5.7 upgrade backs up but does not re-import your 5.6 config information. Was the path to your MySQL data directory different on your old version? Check your config files from before and after.

Valued Contributor II

@chriscollins yes, it looks like it installed into usr/local/mysql-5.7.17-macosblah blah.. the old folder was mysql-5.6.35-blahblah

the my.cnf from 5.6 is generic

Contributor III
Contributor III

Yea, mysql doesn't really 'upgrade' with the installers on Mac, as much as it just installs a newer version and changes some files so the system knows its there while leaving the old install still there. Most of their upgrade documentation, Upgrading MySQL, includes steps to backup the database (mysqldump) and then once you've installed the new version and confirmed the my.cnf points to the new datadir you import you previously exported databases.

New Contributor

Hi Jwojda,

Any idea where did the old database went ?