App Installers - Self Service Not Working - "This application is unavailable."

New Contributor III

Trying out the new Self Service feature added to App Installers. I'm testing using the Google Drive app. I've made the app selection from the Jamf App catalog, configured it for Self Service, and scoped to my targets. Whenever any of the computers/users opens Self Service and clicks to install Google Drive, we get the error: "This application is unavailable.  Try again later." from Self Service.

Anyone else experiencing this issue?


Contributor II
Contributor II

It will be because the app hasn’t actually installed onto the computer yet. In the current implementation, the Self Service button switches from ‘Install’ to ‘Open’ almost instantly after it is pressed. Self Service displays the error that you have described if it is trying to open an application that does not yet exist on the Mac. Once the app has finished installing the ‘Open’ button will work as expected. We are aware that this current behaviour isn’t a great user experience and hope to improve it in a future update.

View solution in original post


New Contributor III

Okay, so it seems it takes some time for it to start working. 15+ minutes in my testing.

Contributor III

Also in our testing if you don't remove the computer record after a reprovisioning the device you will see that error.

New Contributor III

After troubleshooting further, there seems to be some issues with Self Service not detecting when an App Installer application has been uninstalled. So it gets stuck on the “Open” button and doesn’t flip back to “Install”. Persists after refresh/reboot/etc.

I can confirm this behavior as well.  Hopefully this will be addressed in 10.48.  

Contributor II
Contributor II

It will be because the app hasn’t actually installed onto the computer yet. In the current implementation, the Self Service button switches from ‘Install’ to ‘Open’ almost instantly after it is pressed. Self Service displays the error that you have described if it is trying to open an application that does not yet exist on the Mac. Once the app has finished installing the ‘Open’ button will work as expected. We are aware that this current behaviour isn’t a great user experience and hope to improve it in a future update.

New Contributor II

In my case, the button didn't change to Open until after the app (Firefox) was installed.  However, when the app is intentionally removed or uninstalled, Self Service persists to advertise the app as installed with an Open button when it obviously isn't there.  Even after an inventory update, reboot, etc.  

Another odd behavior that I noticed is that later that evening, several hours after I had uninstalled Firefox, it seems to have automatically been reinstalled.  In the table below, you can see when I originally installed the app via Self Service.  I then manually uninstalled the app shortly after.  The table then shows that it reinstalled later that evening and then updated yesterday.  Is this the intended behavior? 


InstallEnterpriseApplication - Mozilla Firefox - 114.0.207/03/2023 at 2:43 PM
InstallEnterpriseApplication - Mozilla Firefox - 114.0.207/03/2023 at 9:25 PM
InstallEnterpriseApplication - Mozilla Firefox - 115.0Yesterday at 1:55 PM

New Contributor III

Is this still a thing? Because I am just now experiencing this with the Box App on Jamf Mac Apps. Target scoped, manually removed app from computer, did a jamf recon and two hours later box app in Jamf Self Service says Open instead of Install. When you press open is says application unavailable try again later.

We recently went to version 11 of Jamf Pro. 

New Contributor III

I couldn't find a way to "flush" the policy (of sorts), so I was also stuck on "Open" after manually uninstalling an app.

I found if you un-check the "Deploy" toggle, save, and then re-enable, it flipped back over to "Install" to try again.

Mine did switch to open but it still did not install 



I'm still seeing this with apps. More specifically I'm currently experiencing it with Google Chrome. We have a cloud instance running Version 11.01.


I am too.....

New Contributor III

Seeing this to

New Contributor

Seeing this with BBEdit as well

New Contributor III

I'm on 11.4.1, and the issue persists - it doesn't seem app-specific.   Intermittently, an app in Self Service will say 'done' but then the app doesn't appear for an hour.  This occurs on two separate Jamf instances and happens even when I do an automatic deployment, not just self-service

New Contributor

I'm also seeing this now - as I'm moving apps from jamfauto update to Jamf Mac apps. 

New Contributor II

Dec 2024: New Mac installing Adobe Acrobat DC : "This application is unavailable. Try again later."

It's hard to believe that this is still a thing and Jamf hasn't fixed this very annoying bug yet.