Posted on 12-12-2019 08:04 PM
I'm being assigned to find out AppConfig for Epic Rover App, so we can deploy the App with server URL and path.
There's not much information online, and seems like most app developers are not aware of this feature at all.
Ranting aside, anyone has anything related to share?
Thanks in advanced
Posted on 12-13-2019 12:30 PM
Hey @reon!
Epic supports Apple’s Managed App Configuration for all of their iOS apps! Reach out to me at Adam (dot) Mahmud (@) Jamf (dot) com.
Jamf Healthcare
Posted on 12-13-2019 02:33 PM
We do this for our Epic apps and the app configs are generated by our in house epic team. Epic does support this. Good luck!
Do you have onsite epic engineers or access to the Epic User Web?
Posted on 12-15-2019 07:26 PM
Hi @adam.mahmud, I've dropped you an email, thanks in advance
Posted on 12-15-2019 07:27 PM
Hey @dvasquez, mind to share the AppConfig for Epic Rover with me?
Posted on 12-22-2019 04:20 PM
The app config is for our environment specifically. It is a string.
I will see if I am able to do that.
Posted on 12-26-2019 09:49 PM
@dvasquez Hi Dominic, are you able to share your AppConfig with me? you can masked out sensitive info like URL. I just want to know the variable names
Posted on 12-27-2019 12:01 PM
Just like @dvasquez mentioned, this string is specific to your Epic environment. But here's what our Epic Rover App Config looks like.
Posted on 12-30-2019 02:08 AM
@dlbrabb thanks!! will try that out!
Posted on 12-30-2019 05:13 PM
@dlbrabb sadly, still doesn't work on me.
Posted on 12-30-2019 06:09 PM
@reon Did you include the "epicrover://handheld/config/" in the string? I don't see it, but maybe it's blacked out?!?!?
Posted on 12-30-2019 06:23 PM
You should be able to get a link from Epic, that will give you the Canto, Haiku, and Rover configurations.
Should look something like this:
Once you get this link, you can hover over the links and see the app config strings.
Posted on 01-07-2020 11:24 AM
I am sorry for the late reply: here is an example of our as @dlbrabb mentioned:
Configuration Key: EpicMobileConfigurationURL
Value Type: String
Configuration Value: epiccanto://handheld/config/a0I5gduEPo1cD%2flz*V7MWx5k%3d
If you still need help I will try and contact our Epic staff to see what department is responsible for building App configurations.
Hope this helps.
Posted on 03-18-2020 02:46 PM
When you apply a Rover configuration with the AppConfig, you will NOT see it in settings, under Rover. It is only available in the Rover app. This is a Rover limitation.
You have to follow the instructions in the Haiku, Canto, and Rover Fundamentals Setup and Support Guide from the Epic Galaxy documentation site. The large section called “Haiku, Canto, and Rover Setup: Essentials” explains it all.
You have to use the windows application called “MobileConfigurationTool.exe” to generate the specific handheld config string for your specific environment. That string is then placed in the AppConfig section of Jamf. Again explained in that Galaxy document. I create different apps in Jamf and associate different configs for different purposes. On the analyst devices I include multiple environments for the system analyst to choose from, for testing. On production devices, they only get the one production environment.
I have also created a webclip to a webpage that has all of these config strings in them, so that a tech or analyst can manually add these.
I have had success making them into QR Codes to apply whatever config, too.
A google search on Haiku configuration, will bring up many hospitals that publish external links with these configs in the webpage.
It was a lot of trial and error, but it works swell at our site.
Posted on 07-13-2020 11:31 AM
Hello, did anyone get this to work? I already have the config file as we have mulitple MDMs in our environment. I'm missing the way JAMF would push it out to the devices for Rover. If anyone could share your file (minus your enterprise information) that would be awesome. We're looking potentially to move everything to JAMF, but need to validate that this works. Thanks everyone!
Posted on 10-18-2020 10:05 PM
Hi @reon, @iDobbins, @kyletoburen, @ejboyd, @dvasquez,
Just to followup on this thread, should Jamf Pro admins looking to deploy Epic Rover that stumble upon it:
@reon - Does this solve your initial question? Thanks in advance!
Jamf Healthcare
Posted on 10-19-2020 08:43 AM
We’ve been successfully using this for over 4 years now.
We even have multiple apps set up with different managed app configs, so we can deploy tst, POC and trn to those specific devices that need it.
Posted on 01-29-2021 11:02 AM
Hey, Adam, hey all,
That made it really easy. I was looking for the set .xml at the following URL to see if that information would be helpful:
Not sure if anyone has used this page but it was helpful in setting a ServerDomain app config setting for Cisco Jabber:
Rover was not there but it was simple to use your snippet and then export another to make sure we had it right.
Here is a little background on the URL I posted, good luck:
Posted on 06-14-2021 07:22 AM
Hello Adam.mahmud and everyone,
I'm Jay here and new to Jamf and having similar issue as others in pushing down EPIC Rover with environment preconfigured.
Below is the the plist im trying, no errors when saving however when launch Rover it still shows no env. configured.
Already tried remove rover app and re-pushed.
Posted on 06-15-2021 04:22 PM
We found our issue was that the Techs were choosing an external Visitor network to start the Prestage deploy. When Rover was done installing, they would launch it, without moving to an internal network. The Rover appconfig would not download until Rover was exited (swiped up) and the device was connected to the internal network. Then launching Rover would download the configs. If Rover was still in the background, when connecting to internal network, it would still show No Env error message.
Also, the Certs to connect to the server, where the encrypted path for Rover was, is the same Certs in our internal WiFi profile, maybe that had to be connected for the appconfig to load correctly, too.
We use only the Key and String in our AppConfig. The Epic "MobileConfigurationTool" is finicky and non-intuitive, but you can add multiple environments, then the user can tap on the environment banner at top and choose an environment from a drop down before logging in. Our Non-Prod appconfig includes all our environments to choose from.
It really sounds like a call to the Epic Tech Support to make sure all the ducks are in a bush.
Posted on 10-21-2022 03:04 PM
could you share how you configured for Multiple environments? I have tried just putting Multiple Keys/Strings and it didnt seem to work.
Posted on 10-21-2022 03:22 PM
Posted on 10-28-2022 09:49 AM
are you saying you did something like this? and did this enable you to use the drop down to switch between environments? I attempted something like this and it didn't work for me.
Posted on 10-31-2022 10:18 AM
The multiple environments have to be configured in the Epic MobileConfigurationTool.exe program. You can have multiple environments in the Config tool. You can have only one entry in the Rover appconfig in Jamf. When Rover starts, it reaches out to the one server that is in the appconfig to load the econfig file, that is why only one entry can be in there. But, the Dropdown menu at the Rover login screen can load the environment you want before you log in.
We have only two Rover Apps deployed from Jamf. One with only the Production environment for the general clinical deployments. And one with all the non-prod environments (we don’t want nurses messing around with choosing random environments).
Posted on 11-01-2022 03:36 PM
thank you! That was that missing piece I needed. I have now got my hands on the tool from our Epic analyst and created new files to use.
Posted on 11-14-2022 12:50 PM
Good information here. Awesome to read it.
Posted on 04-06-2023 02:12 PM
Anyone know if there is a way to disable the manual server/path details under Settings > Haiku for example? Have some cute users who are trying to override their approved environments and go places they shouldn't or shouldn't with the devices they were given.