Posted on
02:31 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Seems all new students imported into jamf from ASM come in with the default Passcode Requirement (found in Users Inventory > Rosters) of "Complex" even if the Password Setting in ASM was 4-Digit.
So, when student sign in, they are presented with a complex keyboard screen to sign in with a 4-Digit passcode.
There doesn't appear to be anyway of changing an entire class of students in jamf from complex to 4-digit either. Meaning you have to change one student at a time.
Doing this for several hundred students takes a LONG time…
Posted on 11-09-2016 02:39 PM
Hi @bvondeylen ,
We're aware of this issue and have it filed under PI-003109.
We have found, in internal testing, that the 4 digit pass codes do still seem to work even if the JSS is displaying "complex" so it is possible that the issue in the JSS is only cosmetic; if you're finding that the 4 digit pass codes work without changing the setting in the JSS, then there is no need to change it unless it saying 'complex' is bothersome.
Unfortunately, the workaround is to manually edit each user's roster info if the 4 digit pass codes are not working or, even if they are, you do not want to see "complex" instead of "4 digit" in the JSS display.
If you have not already opened up a case to have it attached to PI-003109, please get in touch with your TAM either by giving them a call, sending an e-mail to, or using the My Support section of Jamf Nation.
Amanda Wulff
Jamf Support
Posted on 11-15-2016 02:09 PM
Amanda, I am begging you. Please figure out a way for us to update a School of students at one time instead of individually. It takes Forever to update just 3 classrooms (60+ students). I have to do this 30+ more times yet (that is over 1,800 students yet to go). I am lucky I am in a small school district, I would hate to think what larger school districts would do (probably pick a different MDM vendor).
Please, someone figure this out and soon.
Posted on 11-16-2016 03:44 AM
I raised this same issue a while back and it still hasn't been addressed. It took me quite a bit of time to update 650 students and not looking forward to the new 100 students for next year's classes in Jan which I'll likely have to do once again.
Posted on 11-16-2016 10:19 AM
Unfortunately, I'm not a developer and I don't work in product management, so I can't personally make that happen.
The best suggestion I'd have for you is to make a Feature Request if one does not already exist (and if one does exist, vote it up and leave a comment); our Product Management and Developer teams do read through Feature Requests and their comments and do take them into account for future releases.
Amanda Wulff
Jamf Support
Posted on 11-16-2016 03:26 PM
Until a couple of weeks ago, Apple did not provide the passcode type via their Roster API (the method that we acquire details from Apple School Manager). As such, our only option was to set the default passcode type to complex. If we defaulted to 4-digit but Apple School Manager had a 6-digit or complex passcode set, users would not be able to log in to Shared iPads.
Very recently, Apple began including the passcode policy for each user synced from Apple School Manager.
We recognize that this is an important improvement for admins. In a future iteration of Casper Suite, we plan to utilize this information to set the appropriate passcode policy per student synced from Apple School Manager.
Posted on 11-17-2016 02:27 AM
Thanks @michael.devins and looking forward to the implementation.
Posted on 04-04-2018 12:39 PM
Any news on this?
I have ASM set to 4 digits but the change password screen is presented as complex.