Posted on 02-26-2016 04:56 PM
Those of you who work in education will be chomping at the bit to enroll in this. Have fun!
Posted on 02-29-2016 03:28 AM
Looks to be available for US only for the time being, at least for the enrolment part.
Posted on 02-29-2016 07:11 AM
It's also a managed beta. You can request to be in on it but they aren't processing new enrollments.
Posted on 02-29-2016 07:33 AM
any chance this plays nice with the JSS?
Posted on 02-29-2016 07:35 AM
Since it's based on iOS 9.3, and iOS 9.3 has new apis and what not in the background. I seriously doubt it. Once they release 9.3, and the new version of casper - maybe.
Posted on 02-29-2016 11:06 AM
Posted on 02-29-2016 01:12 PM
Sign up for the JSS 9.90 beta.
Posted on 02-29-2016 01:22 PM
As much as everyone may want Casper to support the latest APIs and Apple offerings, I really wish there would be some more focus on the continuity of features and functionality as it relates to the JSS interface. To be able to filter policies, computer groups, etc. when you can't filter or categorize Smart groups just doesn't make sense to me.
Especially as this is a new big move for Apple, (and especially since the Apple folks at a conference I attended in NY literally had no details on how 9.3 features were going to effectively work) what's the point in supporting the newest features when they end up being half-baked or simply don't function as advertised?
Just like how Apple was supposed to focus on stability in iOS 9 (but with all the various issues in each subsequent updates) I'd personally like to see JAMF focus more on consistent design and functionality across the web interface, rather than new features introduced by Apple.
My 2 cents ...
Posted on 03-01-2016 05:28 AM
@aporlebeke Apple has ignored management of shared classroom of iPads since their release. In my opinion, Apple and JAMF are correct in beta'ing the features now for release in spring so that bugs can be addressed before most schools do their summer refreshes. Apple almost always screws edu by releasing major OSX updates right after school starts, let us enjoy the timing of this for once :)
Posted on 03-01-2016 10:05 AM
@CasperSally Apple screwing EDU with OSX releases on top of all the day-0 bugs is why we always run an OS behind. But Apple has made very clear in terms of its marketing and functionality that all iOS devices are 1:1. The fact that Apple is just getting into dealing with shared devices (a functionality which is only available within EDU mind you) goes to show how little they really care for the idea of "shared iPads" and EDU environments in general. I can imagine how big this will be for folks with hundreds of iPads. We however do not.
I just know there are a LOT of feature requests that are genuinely good and needed and several of which have been "Under Review" for several years (still waiting on that patch management ...). We've only had Casper for about year, but I'm already getting tired of newly released features by Apple getting the full brunt of JAMF's focus and development when a lot of what Casper can and can't do at present needs improvement.