AutoCasperNBI - open beta

Release Candidate Programs Tester
Update: AutoCaspeNBI has been released, for more information see:

Hi All,

Over the past couple of months I've been working on an app that with streamline NetBoot creation for use with Casper Imaging (as well as creation of Read-Only DMGs to restore to USB sticks.. if that's your thing).

The basic idea is that you start with an clean never booted OS.dmg either from AutoDMG, Casper Admin or a Composer captured OS.dmg from a never booted Mac (as in with forked builds).

Then add a copy of Casper Imaging, from there you can click build or amend the options on the first window or click the options button for more.

All the options should have popovers that explain their functions in a bit more detail. Most of the options set will be written to a plist (~/Library/Preferences/com.macmule.AutoCasperNBI.plist) will allows for AutoCasperNBI to be re-run when needed with the settings you haves used before.

external image link

You should see some blanks in the GUI & parts i've not added yet (due to the fact that I'm not sure how yet). These should be added at some point.

Then there will be a full 1.0 release & include:

  • Calculate space needed & alert if we do not have enough
  • Enable the "Additionals" tab. This will allow you to install pkgs to customise the .nbi further as well as additional JSS certs
  • Add some sort of sparkle updater
  • Add .jamfTarget creation

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi All,

Thanks for the testing & thanks again to those whom attended my talk @ JNUC.

Slides & Links can be found at the following:

View solution in original post

290 REPLIES 290

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@fritz.schlapbach, thanks for letting me know. With so many layouts & ID values for them, I may have a typo. Will have a nose.

@jwojda, I've been waiting for GM release before fixing that. Which happened to be yesterday. A fix will be in place soonish.

Esteemed Contributor III

@jwojda I can not confirm or deny that I read that post.


Esteemed Contributor III

@bentoms I'm working on getting a used MacPro5,1 for home, so I can run ESXi and access it through VMWare Fusion 7 Pro. Although I haven't pulled the trigger, ESXi 6 is supposed to support MacPro6,1 (not sure about Mac minis).

Once I get this set up I plan to jump in head first, expect feedback... :D



Valued Contributor II

@donmontalvo - lmao

New Contributor III

@bentoms, this is an exceptional tool. Thank you! We have a sizable environment and are using 11 Xserves and 11 Mac Minis to host multiple .nbi's that point EFI32Bit machines to JSS v.8.73 or EFI64Bit machines to JSS v.9.52.

Using the model property filtering in OS X Server is very useful to us for a number of reasons. I wanted to ask about AutoCasperNBI and the NBImageInfo.plist that it creates. Once I upload an .nbi and enable it, there is no option to filter it as we generally do with an .nbi we've created using Apple's System Image Utility.

Is the NBImageInfo.plist something you would recommend a user to modify? Specifically, I'm referring to the list of devices that normally appears above EnabledSystemIdentifiers. I'm somewhat of a novice on all of this, I apologize. Does AutoCasperNBI rely more on the i386/PlatformSupport.plist perhaps?

Thank you, sir.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@fritz.schlapbach it should be fixed with next release. Thanks for pointing it out.

@evanmellichampe i'll need to look at that, it's not something i do.. but also isn't something i'm blocking on purpose.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Zvordauk, @smith.kyle, @mfcfadmin when the NBI's were not restarting.. had you reduced the NBI?

I've been testing with @neil.martin83 (thanks again fella!), & it seems that the hanging only happens to images that have been reduced.. also doesn't happen to all.

One other thing, are you all using NetSUS?

Contributor II


I can say that that if reduced image is a default setting then yes that would truly be the case. Also we are not using NetSUS

Release Candidate Programs Tester

-- New App Icon.
-- Changed status icons to OSX's in built.
-- Now approximately calculates there is enough space needed to create
the NBI (including if we're expanding & creating readonly or reduced) &
errors if not.
-- Serve over options now hidden until OS.dmg & Casper
successfully added.
-- Changed order of additional items check, to avoid hang on launching
-- Resized tableviews, so can scroll to see long paths of additional
certs & pkgs.
-- Added pre-check, to alert if any additional certs or pkgs are
-- Moved from installing PKGs for launchagent etc to flat file copy.
-- Amended powermanagement.plist to displaysleep after 3 hours, removed
-- Corrected setting input source for selections with spaces in names.
Such as, Swiss German for example. (@fritz.schlapbach)
-- Enabled copy & paste. (@RHammen)
-- Disables screen saver. (@neil.martin83)
-- Disables app nap. (@neil.martin83)
-- On successful build, volumes are now unmounted. (@neil.martin83,
@mfcfadmin, @Harsdorff)
-- Always reducing cache now, to help with hang on restart (I hope! 1
more thing to try if not). (@neil.martin83, @mfcfadmin, @smith.kyle &
-- Set attaching of OS.dmg to --noverify, to see if this helps in those
cases where it's failed. (@smith.kyle, @boberito)
-- Removed check OS version as no longer needed & may have caused false
positives erroring as not being able to mount dmg. (@smith.kyle,
-- Populates NBIImageInfo.plist's EnabledSystemIdentifiers array, to
allow model filtering (@evanmellichampe)

To all whom are mentioned above, I've put you names either against issues you have told me about.. or fixes for issues that I think apply to what you have been seeing.

Please test & get back to me.

Release Candidate Programs Tester


-- Corrected size calculation, sorry about that.

Please don't use 0.17.

oh & @fritz.schlapbach when testing 0.18, please reselect "Swiss German" before proceeding.

To be added:

-- Full 10.10 support.
-- Sparkle updater support.
-- Calculate progress bar correctly.
-- Correct behaviour when cancelling at location selection, so app doesn't need to be restarted.

New Contributor III


In 0.18,
There is a blank line loaded by default in Optional Certs section which causes AutoNBI to bomb out at that step.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@willpolley, can you delete the com.macmule.AutoCasperNBI.plist.. then open AutoCasperNBI & try again?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@willpolley, don't worry @neil.martin83 has mentioned the same thing. Working on it now.

New Contributor III

@bentoms, persisted after pref deletion and logout/on.

mobile network account
local account used when prompted

New Contributor III

@bentoms, this also happens now:

Restarts the creation process after a completion.

Logs from today:

Valued Contributor

Same error as before for me

When I select the dmg it reports "Cannot read OS Version".

I've deleted com.macmule.AutoCasperNBI.plist from my ~/Library/Preferences

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi @boberito,

Just to check are you using 0.17 of AutoCasperNBI or above?

Also, what does it say in /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist from the DMG? is should read like:

<dict> <key>ProductBuildVersion</key> <string>13F34</string> <key>ProductCopyright</key> <string>1983-2014 Apple Inc.</string> <key>ProductName</key> <string>Mac OS X</string> <key>ProductUserVisibleVersion</key> <string>10.9.5</string> <key>ProductVersion</key> <string>10.9.5</string> </dict>

Valued Contributor

Using .18

And actually restarting fixed it. I couldn't mount the dmg, it said the resource was busy. So rebooting fixed that and the AutoCasperNBI issue.

Contributor II

I have started playing around with the additions and it is nice to have this. But I got a copy of the latest version .18 and I have been unable to complete a build now. It starts the build process and after a while I get an error that says Error: One or more addition Certificates are missing
I have deleted the plist file and tried again but I still get this error. The process stops at this point and does not complete.

New Contributor III

A blank line gets inserted into the certificates section - highlight it and remove it and it should work.

Contributor II


Seeing the exact same behaviour as @MikeF. Did not select any packages nor did I click I click anywhere on the Certificates panel, but I do notice that the first line in the certificates pane is highlighted blue. Don't know if that is significant or not but I too am unable to build a NBI that actually completes.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Sorry guys, v0.19 will be out tonight/tomorrow that should fix the cert issue (amongst others).

@boberito, was the DMG mounted when you had tried before?

Valued Contributor

It was not. But in testing I see the DMG has to be mounted or else it won't work.

After getting past the certificate issue I'm still not able to make an NBI. This is from the log file.

Mon Oct 6 13:27:29 EDT 2014 Trying to create .nbi folder /Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi Mon Oct 6 13:27:30 EDT 2014 Successfully created '/Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi' Mon Oct 6 13:27:30 EDT 2014 Trying to create NetBoot.dmg in /Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi Mon Oct 6 13:27:35 EDT 2014 Successfully created NetBoot.dmg in '/Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi' Mon Oct 6 13:27:35 EDT 2014 Trying to mount: '/Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi' Mon Oct 6 13:27:36 EDT 2014 Mounted to: /Volumes/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI Mon Oct 6 13:27:37 EDT 2014 Copying contents of '' to '/Users/rgendler/Desktop/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI.nbi'/NetBoot.dmg Mon Oct 6 13:27:37 EDT 2014 Error: Cannot copy contents of to '/Volumes/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI' Mon Oct 6 13:27:43 EDT 2014 Trying to detach /Volumes/10.9.5 AutoCasperNBI Mon Oct 6 13:27:53 EDT 2014 Trying to detach Mon Oct 6 13:27:53 EDT 2014 Goodbye for now!

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@boberito, can you recreate your AutoDMG 10.9.5 OS.dmg & run 0.19 (when out), without mounting the OS.dmg before?

I removed the verify flag from the hdiutil mount command to see if that helped you, but I'll add it back as it's needed.

The dodgy DMG would also be why SIU failed too.

Contributor II


I missed the post about the blank line. That fixed it for me.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

-- Build & Options buttons are no longer disabled after clicking "Build"
-- hdiutil commands verify the volumes being mounted again.
-- kernelcache reduction always happens on 10.9 NBI's.
-- Fixed an issue with creating read-only 10.8.x NBI's & auto login. (The User Templates folder is no longer emptied).
-- Should no longer try to re-run on completion (@neil.martin83 & @willpolley)
-- Size calculations should now correctly get the volume selected to create the NBI on, including FSTAB mounted paths (@neil.martin83)
-- Size calculations now reads terabytes, not just gigabytes (@neil.martin83)
-- Fixed issue with a blank cert value added to the additional certs array (@neil.martin83, @smith.kyle, @MikeF, @mfcfadmin, @boberito)
-- Fixed an issue with ARD not correctly being enabled (@neil.martin83, @Jimmymac641)


Hi @bentoms, sorry, still seeing an issue with 0.19 trying to re-run on completion. Clean installation.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dmueller, dammit.

Are you expanding the NBI?


Hi @bentoms][/url][/url. No, reducing it only. A quick rundown of my settings:

  • 10.9.5 system with a clean disk image from AutoDMG (10.9.5 13F34)
  • 9.32 Casper Imaging Apps
  • Set to be served from more than one server (NFS)


  • Netboot description checked
  • Reduce Image size checked
  • Custom Desktop Image checked
  • Advanced tab - install modified rc.netboot file checked
  • Additionals - certs added

-- Corrected setting input source for selections with spaces in names. Such as, Swiss German for example. (@fritz.schlapbach)

I can confirm that the problem with the Swiss German keyboard is solved. Just tested it with version 0.19. Thank you. :)

Another problem I'm seeing is when I choose an image name that already exists in the chosen folder. It asks me prior building the image if I would like to delete the folder or choose a new folder. That's Ok and it works in my tests. But if I choose "Delete Existing" it builds the image and after building the image I get the same prompt again.

Contributor II


I too see the issue of it seemingly wanting to run the workflow a second time. As @fritz.schlapbach eluded to, upon completion of the NBI set the tool wants to start again and sees the folder name there (it just created) and it a.) errors out with "NetBoot successfully created at the following location: Error: Calculating space needed /Library/NetBoot/NetBootSP0/10.9.5ACNBI.nbi, then b.) wants to create the entire NBI folder for a second time.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

--?Correct?an?issue?where?AutoCasperNBI?would?try?re-run (@fritz.schlapbach, @neil.martin83, @willpolley & @mfcfadmin)
--?Changed?what's?deleted?to?try?&?stop?the?hang?when?creating?a?reduced?NBI (@neil.martin83)

Contributor II

@bentoms][/url][/url another thing I have noticed in the last couple of versions is that the images that are created are all "access restricted" images. By default they have the "Image is visible to (only some Mac models)" pull down choice selected, whereas in earlier versions "(all Mac models)" was the default selection.

Also still seeing the "Authentication failed to "NetBoot..."" message.

Looks like version 20 took care of the "looping" or wanting to create a second set issue.

Contributor II


Another observation, if you are netbooted from an AutoCasperNBI netboot set, you are unable to select another netboot image to boot from. The resulting message is "You can't change the startup disk to the selected disk. Unable to launch the underlying task process"

Still seeing grey/blue screen hangs when Casper imaging is done imaging and is attempting to reboot the computer.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@mfcfadmin ok the restricted models i think i've fixed in next commit.

As to the hanging, are you reducing the NBI?

Contributor II

@bentoms "Reduce Image Size" is checked however I thought that was a default setting. I don't ever remember physically selecting that option. Should it be unchecked? Also you made no further mention of the ARD issue and not being able to authenticate to the netbooted client. Is there something that I should be doing differently there too?

Thanks for your quick response and helpfulness.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@mfcfadmin, sorry missed the ARD mention. That should've been fixed as of 0.19.

Can you try another image without reduce image ticked?

Contributor II

@bentoms][/url][/url][/url clicked "build" before I heard back from you I will let you know as soon as it finishes.

At this point I can't be entirely sure whether it was 18 or 19 that I was able to successfully connect using ARD but since the last version I have not been able to do that again.

So the reboot successfully took place after unchecking "Reduce Image Size". I will continue to test image to make sure it working reliably. I have seen in the past that it might work 4 out 5 times then hang on the fifth. I will continue to provide feedback.

Currently I am still getting the light blue icon in ARD telling me that I will not be able to authenticate to the client.

Don't know whether or not it helps but on the netbooted client I can see the local admin account and in the sharing panel I can see the account listed in the "Allow access for: (All users) radio button is checked. If I highlight the user and click the options button nothing is selected.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@mfcfadmin, i've just tested & ARD is working for me.. hmm.. maybe try removing the Mac from ARD & re-adding?

I think the size reduction is what's busting it

Contributor II


Okay perfect I shall try and let you know.

That didn't seem to make a difference. Still seeing the local admin account in the "Sharing" pane however the radio button is still set to "All users" and when I highlight the local admin account and select options, nothing at all is checked.

I will try rebuilding a completely new image making sure the "Reduce Image Size" has been unchecked from the outset and see if that makes any difference.

Thanks again for all of your assistance.