Posted on 10-22-2024 01:29 PM
Testing BeyondTrust deployment on Mac OS Sequoia. I also tested this on Sonoma, and ran into the same problem. I'm using the install script from BeyondTrust, and their recommended PPPC Configuration Profile. The installer appears to run successfully, but I am getting a pop-up asking for permission to copy the .app file to the Applications folder.
Is there a change I can make or a security setting I can adjust to allow this app to copy to the applications folder without the user needing to click allow?
Posted on 10-22-2024 01:46 PM
Do you have something like BeyondTrust's Privilege Management for Mac product installed? And are you running the Remote Support installer via a Jamf Pro policy or locally on a Mac?
Posted on 10-22-2024 01:50 PM
We have BTPM installed, and I'm running the Remote Support installer through a JAMF Pro policy.
Posted on 10-22-2024 01:57 PM
I would expect installing from a Jamf Pro policy _should_ allow the app to be moved into the /Applications folder since it's not running as the logged in user, but BTPM may interdict that. I'd suggest contacting BT tech support for guidance on this one.
Posted on 10-23-2024 04:51 PM
I had to modify my script for BeyondTrust to explicitly call the full name of the .dmg that gets stored in the waiting room, when I used a wild card I recall seeing a similar result. Here is my code
# The Bomgar DMG should have been installed cached prior to this script running, but we should make sure...
if [ -a "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/bomgar-scc-"*".dmg" ]; then
# Attach the Disk Image
hdiutil attach "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/bomgar-scc-w0eec30ehg8h5idehw61idi1xx71jzwegd77ixjc40hc90.dmg"
# Run the installer
"/Volumes/bomgar-scc/Open To Start Support"
# Wait a minute for it to finish up
# sleep 90
# Unmount the disk image
hdiutil detach "/Volumes/bomgar-scc"
# Wait for the unmount to complete
sleep 25
# Delete the disk image
rm -R "/Library/Application Support/JAMF/Waiting Room/bomgar-scc-w0eec30ehg8h5idehw61idi1xx71jzwegd77ixjc40hc90.dmg"
echo "Bomgar NOT Present"
exit 1
exit 0
Posted on 12-02-2024 12:14 PM
Do you happen to have an Uninstall Script? I've tried the instructions on Beyond Trust's site, but no luck.
Posted on 12-02-2024 12:18 PM
It has been a while since I have had to use it, so do your testing but this is what I have been using.
pkill -f bomgar
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchAgents/com.bomgar.bomgar-scc*
rm -rf /Users/Shared/.com.bomgar.scc*
rm -rf /Applications/.com.bomgar.scc*
rm -rf /Library/LaunchAgents/com.bomgar.bomgar-scc*
rm -rf /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.bomgar.bomgar-ps*
Posted on 12-02-2024 12:19 PM
@jamiesmithJAX Thanks!
3 weeks ago
This was very helpful. Thanks for sharing!