Posted on 02-06-2020 09:01 PM
There is an issue while upgrading the JSS/JAMF binary in the client machine as given below.
Binary moving to logout/login hook but here logout but not coming back to login hook. it got struck after machine not reporting to JAMF but luck is self-service working fine.
Wed Feb 05 21:12:12 NTS-IT-001 jamf[83990]: Enforcing scheduled tasks...
Wed Feb 05 21:12:12 NTS-IT-001 jamf[83990]: Removing existing launchd task /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.task.1.plist...
Wed Feb 05 21:12:12 NTS-IT-001 jamf[83990]: Adding launchd task com.jamfsoftware.task.1...
Wed Feb 05 21:12:12 NTS-IT-001 jamf[83883]: Daemon shutdown completed
Wed Feb 05 21:12:12 NTS-IT-001 jamf[83883]: Daemon exiting
There is a lot of issues because of this.