Posted on 10-27-2015 09:56 PM
I am a newbie to both Casper and Macs in general and am trying to create my Casper image workflows but I have hit an issue with AD binding (I require joining all Macs to a Windows network).
In Casper Admin there is an item called 'AD' of the type 'Built-In AD' that is un-configurable and I can't find it in the JSS at all. Either way whatever it is (it may have been created by or Jumpstart trainer) it is not binding AD during the imaging process.
I have also looked through policies to see where I might bind AD and it doesn't seem obvious to me what I might set. I have done quite a bit of research and am at the point of needing some technical direction. Please assume I'm a rank beginner with this stuff...because I am!
Thanks :)
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 10-27-2015 10:18 PM
@HelpDeskWarrior Hi Rob
In the JSS web page go to Computers -> Management Settings -> Computer Management -> Directory Bindings. You should be able to see the configured AD binding in there. I'd also suggest checking the /var/log/jamf.log on an imaged machine, or even the Imaging log in the JSS for a device to see what the error is when the binding is attempted.
Posted on 10-28-2015 03:46 AM
@HelpDeskWarrior As @plawrence says, check the log... the where is important, as in where in the imaging process is the binding being attempted?
We do ours post imaging AFTER setting the time, if you try at run the binding when the client is netbooted it will fail.
FWIW, my workflow is: here.
Posted on 10-27-2015 10:18 PM
@HelpDeskWarrior Hi Rob
In the JSS web page go to Computers -> Management Settings -> Computer Management -> Directory Bindings. You should be able to see the configured AD binding in there. I'd also suggest checking the /var/log/jamf.log on an imaged machine, or even the Imaging log in the JSS for a device to see what the error is when the binding is attempted.
Posted on 10-28-2015 03:46 AM
@HelpDeskWarrior As @plawrence says, check the log... the where is important, as in where in the imaging process is the binding being attempted?
We do ours post imaging AFTER setting the time, if you try at run the binding when the client is netbooted it will fail.
FWIW, my workflow is: here.
Posted on 10-28-2015 11:30 AM
@HelpDeskWarrior If you are using a thunderbolt to ethernet adapter the bind will always fail.This is a known issue and has to due with Apple and not JAMF. I do mine post imaging as @bentoms suggests.
Posted on 10-28-2015 11:54 AM
This has worked perfectly for me for imaging laptops. I have it run as a first run, reboot script.
#This checks for Thunderbolt or USB over Ethrnet.
# Checks to see if the Mac is either a MacBook Pro Retina or MacBook Air
# If it's either of these machines, the script will then check for External Network Adapters
# If either adapter is present, it will add the adapter to network services
# Resolves the annoying issue with USB & Thunderbolt Ethernet adapters with Casper Imaging
mbpr=`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Model Identifier/{print $3}' | cut -f1 -d ","`
mba=`system_profiler SPHardwareDataType | awk '/Model Identifier/{print $3}' | cut -c-10`
usbAdapter=`/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep "Hardware Port: USB Ethernet"`
tbAdapter=`/usr/sbin/networksetup -listallhardwareports | grep "Hardware Port: Thunderbolt Ethernet"`
/usr/sbin/networksetup -detectnewhardware
if [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro10" ]] || [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro11" ]] || [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro12" ]]|| [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro13" ]]|| [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro14" ]]|| [[ $mbpr = "MacBookPro15" ]]; then
if [ "$usbAdapter" != "" ]; then
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice USB Ethernet 'USB Ethernet'
echo "USB Ethernet added to Network Services"
echo "No USB Adapter connected"
if [ "$tbAdapter" != "" ]; then
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice Thunderbolt Ethernet 'Thunderbolt Ethernet'
echo "Thunderbolt Ethernet added to Network Services"
echo "No Thunderbolt Adapter connected"
elif [ $mba = "MacBookAir" ]; then
if [ "$usbAdapter" != "" ]; then
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice USB Ethernet 'USB Ethernet'
echo "USB Ethernet added to Network Services"
echo "No USB Adapter connected"
if [ "$tbAdapter" != "" ]; then
/usr/sbin/networksetup -createnetworkservice Thunderbolt Ethernet 'Thunderbolt Ethernet'
echo "Thunderbolt Ethernet added to Network Services"
echo "No Thunderbolt Adapter connected"
echo "This machine does not use external network adapters"
exit 0
Posted on 11-03-2015 06:16 PM
Thanks for all the insights...learning at a logarithmic rate!!
Posted on 11-05-2015 04:05 AM
@RogerUL I've never seen a fail with binding and adaptors. What OS have you seen this on? Are you using Apple or 3rd party adaptors? Do you use Casper's built-in tool for binding? We only have a few machines that would require an adaptor, but mine is one of them and I'm pretty sure I'd have noticed that one :)