Blocking Automatics Updates - Best Practices

Contributor III

We are just trying to understand how the updates should be implemented in our environment.

- Is there a way to block all kinds of automatic updates on Mac.
- Lets say if we leave the Automatic Updates turned-on for all Macs then wouldn't it be a nuisance for the end users.
- Wouldn't it be best to push all the updates from the JSS calmly and quietly on client Macs for all Apps/ softwares.
- In order to do that we might have to maintain a spreadsheet for all softwares and their updates that are installed or needs to be installed on client Macs.


Contributor III

Hi @khurram

You can always setup an internal Software Update Server and point all your computers to this server. That way you have control of what updates are available to your clients.


Contributor III

Hi Steve

Thanks for the answer. Can you explain a bit more.
Do you mean that we push the Apps using JSS and update those Apps via SUS.


Valued Contributor

You say all apps/software. Do you therefore also mean non Apple Apps like Chrome, Dropbox, etc?

Contributor III

Apple Updates on SUS and 3rd party Apps update via JSS.
Is it correct.