Posted on
12:25 PM
- last edited
The Iowa group post got me thinking that having a Boston area group would be really great. Myself, I focus in high-security environments but I wouldn't want to limit to any particular user area. Depending on size, we can have sub-groups and areas of interest.
Being Fidelity, we have loads of meeting space and we've hosted things like this in the past (sometimes with the help of Apple) and I could likely kick off something pretty easily.
Posted on 01-03-2013 07:38 PM
I would be interested.
Posted on 01-04-2013 05:43 AM
We are highly interested in that. Please keep us informed ;)
Posted on 01-04-2013 06:41 AM
Can you drop me an email so I have your contact info? Thanks.
Posted on 01-04-2013 07:48 AM
I'd be up for something like this now that I'm the Boston Metro area. Jared, the Fidelity office I know of is in R.I. Is that where you are or is there a location closer to Boston?
I'll send you an email shortly.
Posted on 01-04-2013 07:52 AM
I'd definitely be interested, along with some of my team. I'll drop you my info.
Posted on 01-04-2013 08:13 AM
I work out of Merrimack, NH but am in the Boston office frequently as well.
Posted on 01-04-2013 10:08 AM
very interested.
Posted on 01-06-2013 05:11 PM
I'm sending my contact info now. I'm very interested. I'm out of Wolfeboro NH, but Boston's just down the street for us.
Posted on 01-07-2013 06:53 AM
Okay, seems like there's a decent amount of interest in this getting stood up. What do people suggest as an online "meeting place" to communicate? A Google Group?
Posted on 01-07-2013 07:46 AM
I am also interested, and am located in metro Boston (Boston Public Schools District)
Posted on 01-07-2013 08:13 AM
Keep the interest coming! If you haven't emailed me yet, do so so I've got your off-board contact info. Looks like we've got the beginnings of a group with varied industries represented.
Looks like a Google Group is out. I'll have more details on how we'll all get together, just don't know exactly when yet.
Posted on 01-18-2013 08:19 AM
Count me in Jared. Working right down in the JHT 5 days/week. Emailing you now. RE: communication logistics, would a LinkedIn group (w/membership check) make sense, to ensure tie-in to folks' existing professional backgrounds?
Posted on 01-18-2013 10:27 AM
I'm in also. ;)
Same contact info as before.
Posted on 01-18-2013 10:27 AM
I'm in also. ;)
Same contact info as before.
Posted on 01-18-2013 11:50 AM
If anyone's on the fence about going, I'd register now. JAMF is using their powers for good to spread the word quite shortly so it may start filling faster.
Posted on 01-22-2013 08:31 AM
We're over half booked, folks! If you're coming or even if you aren't able to attend, a new Boston JAMF User Group has been minted over on LinkedIn.
Check it out:
Posted on 01-30-2013 08:54 AM
6 spots left folks... Get 'em while you can!
Posted on 02-06-2013 06:22 AM
I'm awfully sorry, but the event will need to be postponed. I've had some things come up with work that will require me to be out of the area and unable to host. If you've registered, you should get an email from me via Eventbrite. I will keep all of the registrations and re-schedule the event.
Posted on 02-06-2013 07:03 AM
No worries Jared. Thanks for organizing this and keeping us posted. Let us know when you have a new date for the JUG in mind.
Posted on 02-06-2013 01:41 PM
Is it really 'Sold Out' or does it just say that due to rescheduling? Didn't get the chance to sign up, but will when it re-opens.
Posted on 07-24-2013 06:23 AM
I wanted to resurrect this topic for Boston area people. I'd be interested in getting together with fellow JAMF users, OS X IT nerds, and anyone in the metro Boston area who wanted to initially just get together and match faces to names and grab a few drinks somewhere in town. From there we can discuss the possibilities of having a regular space and time for networking, tech presentations, and other shenanigans.
Initial thoughts from the group?
Posted on 07-24-2013 06:27 AM
Uncanny... was just discussing this with someone last night. Let's do it. I can volunteer to get us space. Meeting after 8/4 would be ideal, as I'm tied up training for PMC until then.
Posted on 07-24-2013 06:49 AM
I'm all for it. I'm not in the immediate area (Wolfeboro, NH) yet I'm up for any type of JUG get together. Even if it's completely informal so long as I can plan on getting down there!
Posted on 07-24-2013 06:52 AM
Sounds good to me.
Posted on 07-24-2013 06:54 AM
Well then, you guys are in luck. Steve Imbimbo ( from The Mathworks has volunteered to take up the reigns on this one and we've been in contact. I've provided him with the full list of those who registered for the event.
I really want to see this take off and I'd love to attend, but I don't know if I'll be able to (at least in an official fruit-company role) though if some of my clients are going, I'd likely be there.
Posted on 07-24-2013 07:31 AM
Add me to the list, I think I missed the cut-off. We need more room!
Posted on 07-24-2013 07:52 AM
The plan is for a space that can hold 75-100 people. Hit me off-list and I'll forward your info to Steve.
Posted on 07-24-2013 08:49 AM
Hi all, My name is Steven Imbimbo. I'm the Mac Systems guy at The MathWorks. I'm interested in facilitating the Boston JUG. This is where I stand.
I'm definitely open to the idea of having some help with this, so if anyone is interested in co-hosting/helping that would be great.
Meeting Space:: I'm in the final stages of securing space for a meeting. We are currently expanding our Apple Hill Natick campus, so some rooms have been eliminated, but we do have access to the newly purchased Boston Scientific campus (also in Natick), so I'm trying to find out what room are available there. I'm hoping to have some answers soon.
I'm looking for input as to how to organize the meeting, I think it would be in our best interest to have some sort of structure to the meeting(s) to keep it from becoming 75-100 separate discussions. I'm going to ask for input on making an agenda. (or maybe a co-organizer)
I'm not sure when everyone would like to meet. I know that summertime is vacation time for most, so I was thinking we may want to meet sometime after Labor Day, but please let me know your thoughts.
That's all I have for now, please let me know your thoughts. I've never facilitated a user group before, so all help is appreciated.
Steve I--
Posted on 07-26-2013 08:32 AM
Thanks for hosting Steve!
I can volunteer to co-org if needed. Run several Meetup groups and volunteer committees so familiar ground. Sounds like we have got a few different open questions regarding time, content, format, etc so I setup a quick, anonymous Google poll.
Make your voice heard folks!
Posted on 08-07-2013 07:04 AM
Hey folks, 6 responses so far. Summary: Looks like Oct/Nov preferred months, Wednesday preferred day, configuration management only slightly preferred over spectrum of other topics, and 50/50 split in terms of interest in presenting. Here's the results where they stand now:
Posted on 08-08-2013 03:36 PM
Hey Everyone,
I am really glad to see you guys start a user group. Sounds like it should be a great time, and beneficial to the community. JAMF Nation recently added a feature to setup and invite people to user groups. Please feel free to leverage this feature, and you can also track all discussions about the event as well through JAMF Nation.
I hope this helps the communities organize user groups and meet ups.
Posted on 08-09-2013 05:35 AM
I'm in!
Posted on 08-09-2013 07:34 AM
Thanks Tom - got a heads-up from Jake Mosey as well on same topic (PS: congrats on the JAMF gig!).
So based on poll above it looks like Wednesdays in Oct/Nov are best for most. Assuming steering clear of Thanksgiving holiday on 11/27 leaves 8 Wednesdays.
Steve: any restrictions on your end in terms of venue availability?
Take a few minutes and enjoy some more poll magic to nail down best Wednesday:
Posted on 08-09-2013 09:01 AM
It might also be a good idea to steer clear of the week of the JNUC (Oct 14 - 18) since some of us may be attending that and wouldn't be in the Boston area that Wednesday. :)
Thanks for helping to organize this! Off to take the next poll...
Posted on 08-09-2013 10:07 AM
Great point Mike! I nixed that one from the list. Plenty of other choices to work off.
Posted on 09-13-2013 08:16 AM
OK, I finally received approval to hold the User Group here at The MathWorks campus in Natick, MA. Cliff, Can we get together over the phone to discuss some details? Please send me an email so I can give you my direct line. Steven.Imbimbo at mathworks (dot) com
Posted on 09-13-2013 08:56 AM
I'm thinking about Wednesday October 30th 4:00 to 6:00pm in Natick, MA @ The MathWorks. I have a room that will hold ~50 people. If I receive positive feedback on this date and time I will create the official invitation on Monday.
Posted on 09-13-2013 09:30 AM
Ok, so much for feedback, once I reserved the room, the wheels were in motion....
The date and time are now set... Wednesday October 30th at 4:00pm at The MathWorks in Natick, MA. There is a new User Group listed at so please visit the site and register starting Monday. There is only room for 50 people this time, but if we fill this room, I may be able to get a larger room next time.
I look forward to meeting you Wednesday October 30th @ 4pm.
Posted on 10-21-2013 05:15 AM
There are still seats available for the Boston Area JUG on October 30th from 4-6pm in Natick, MA. If you are interested please visit to sign up and reserve your seat.