Can Apps be back-fed to JAMF?

New Contributor

I just pulled a report to show all of the apps that we have in JAMF for the school administrators so we can start a clean up. I'm going through the list and I'm finding all types of apps that shouldn't be on school devices! There are only a couple of us that use JAMF now and unfortunately I can't speak for those that came before me but I know that these apps were not added by us. Apps like Amazon, Amazon Music, Among Us, Baby's R Us and so many more!

My question is, how did they get there? Is it possible for someone with one of our iPads to install these apps and have it back-fed to JAMF? All of the student devices and most staff devices have the app store disabled and they can only use Self-Service to get the approved apps. However, there are some iPads and iPhones for Administration that are not restricted or not supervised.

Just wondering if anyone else ever seen something like this or if it is even possible.

~ J


Contributor III

I would confirm they in fact have the App Store disabled as you expect? If devices somehow lose their supervision, then you lose the ability to lock them out of the App Store, among other restrictions.

New Contributor

I will certainly look into it! - Thank You!