Carddav Configuration over Mac (shared Contact list)

New Contributor

Good morning, I'm a little in trouble, wonder if someone else has the same problem and, hopefully, a solution.

I need to deploy a Carddav configuration which includes a shared contact list.
I'll try to explain:
I have a user (user A) that has a master copy of our internal Address Book.
I shared the Address Book to another account (user B) in order to prevent any modification mad by the final user (User B has only reading permissions over this shared address book). Then I try to create a configuration profile, both for devices and computers.

I have a problem whit the Computer configuration profile.
Even if I specify the Correct Principal into the policy (/carddav/users/ - with user b authentication, in order to point, directly, on the shared Contact list) seems that this field is not correctly recognized by Mac's Contact App, that leaves this field blank.
The same configuration profile works fine over iPhone and iPad devices.
If i add manually the carddav configuration to my mac it works perfectly.

Some one has any ideas about this?

Thanks in advance.


New Contributor

Were you ever able to figure this out? I'm looking into a similar use case for this.