Casper 9.2 on Mavericks Server Test Enviroment

New Contributor

We currently have JSS 8.73 running on 10.8.4 and am looking to build a 9.2 test environment on a Mavericks box. Has anyone had any experience doing so? Any advice or best practices? Thanks in advance!


Contributor III

Running such a beast right now. Production is 10.6.8 and 8.73. Test server is 10.9 and 9.2. What we did/how we were feeling:

I built it from scratch to a 10.9/8.73 server then imported a database backup from production. Went well. Checked settings, policies, Smart Groups, etc. Everything looked great. Got a new cert (built-in). First thing I did then was remove all the distribution points and set up a test distribution point (what happens if two JSSes replicate to one distribution point? I don't know, didn't want to find out). Brought in all the packages. I enrolled a few new computers, tested Imaging, Self Service, Remote, etc. Everything was working great.

Next step, I updated the JSS to 9.2. Also went well. Quickly ran into the bug referenced here: Simple enough workaround for now, doesn't affect our setup too much.

So, it's going well. Plan to replace the database with a current backup from production JSS tonight to see what happens when you throw a 8.73 database right into 9.2.

I can answer more specific questions if you like.


New Contributor

Thanks for the response. The JSS requires Server app 2.2 which doesn't run on 10.9. It doesn't necessarily recognize the 10.9 version of server as a valid version. What I did was install 2.2 then run the JSS installer even though 2.2 won't actually run. Did this pose a problem in your case?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Did you have 3 installed & had you run it prior to the v9 install?

New Contributor


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Good to know, I guess it will be fixed in 9.2.x.

Contributor III

10.9 with Server 3 is running my test JSS just fine (nothing fancy, just installed and started going to town). Are other people seeing issues? Something I should test?


New Contributor

Strange that for me, the JSS installer screamed for 2.2 (when 3 was pre-installed). Something to keep an eye on anyway. I haven't actually haven't gotten much further than installing the JSS but will report any further issues as I move forward.

Contributor II

Working on upgrading to 9 here as well and starting to think about the option of putting it on Mavericks.

I started to do the testing with 10.8.x and server 2.x.x. The I came across an issue where I updated the server to 10.8.5 and then wanted to update server to 2.2.2 as well. Odd thing I can't seem to do this anymore. Server 2.2.2 seems to be unavailable.

I see it in my App store purchases with an option to click update. But when I click update I get an App Store 1004 error.

If you click on the Server 2.2.2 link in my app store purchases it says not available in this store right now.

Which go me thinking maybe I should just go with Mavericks and Server 3.x. It just feels very new and untested at this point.
