Casper imaging different outcomes

Contributor II

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction...

I have setup a NetBoot server (using NetSuS) and created a NBI with AutoCasperNBI. I have also create a Base_OS.dmg using AutoDMG.

With the NetBoot Image I can start the netboot and Casper imaging gets started. All seems fine. But When I deploy a configuration now and then the system gets messed up. Sometimes Adobe InDesign(which is installed after imaging) is damaged Sometimes it is Microsoft Office (via policy) sometimes we receive errors that the keychain is damages (new User)

I am at a loss, have no clue where to begin troubleshooting this...

Any idea's?


Honored Contributor II

If you can deploy the imaging configuration sometimes and it works correctly, that sounds like the packages and setting are ok.

I would probably look at the distribution point. It sounds like it's subtely failing sometimes. Are there any stats or logs on the distribution point server that might show if it is struggling?

Contributor II

@davidacland Thanks for your tip. I will look into the distribution point. Nothing special there only thing different is that is is an AFP share.. (Netatalk) But we will see..