Casper Suite 9.9

Contributor II
Contributor II

Next week, JAMF Software is releasing Casper Suite 9.91. Casper Suite 9.91 is a maintenance release that resolves the following defects in Casper Suite 9.9:

-Apps and config profiles will be reinstalled if you click edit then save on an object that has LDAP Group limitations without any LDAP group exclusions. Also, Device Based VPP licenses will be removed and not redeploy unless you are using LDAP Group exclusions.
- For accounts using the JSS windows installer, inventory updates are not being parsed by the JSS. This defect causes inventory reports to fail in some environments until the JSS is reinstalled.

If your account is running Casper Suite 9.9 or you plan to upgrade soon, we recommend you upgrade to Casper Suite 9.91 when it is available next week. We will update this thread and send an email communication when the release is available. Please contact Customer Support if you have questions regarding these defects.


Valued Contributor II

Thanks for posting, Jake.

Valued Contributor

Thank you for the update.


I'm seeing an error enrolling a computer with a QuickAdd.pkg. If I look in the logs, I see errors stating "Current user is not bound by the MDM configuration". I upgraded to 9.9 last night. Is this related?

New Contributor

Well I wish they would have tested more before saying update to 9.9 all is ok, now I have my ipads that dont update again till you can sort a fix out and we just got them working fine again, from an admin this is becoming more trouble than it is worth right now.


I'm noticing that it takes significantly longer to update Classes with 9.9, is this any better in the update?

New Contributor

If we are using the cloud-based JSS should we expect to finally be upgraded from 9.82 at that time?

Contributor II
Contributor II

@msnowdon - The issue you mention is not related. Please open a case with your Technical Account Manager here and they will follow up.

@csm0004 - We are following up internally and will address this as we know more. It would be a good idea to open up a case with your Technical Account Manager so we can track it there as well.

@jramsey021 - Yes, JAMF Cloud will be upgraded to 9.91 during scheduled maintenance on Saturday, April 16. If you would like it sooner, you can let your Technical Account Manager know you would like to be upgraded as soon as 9.91 is out and they will do that for you.

Contributor III

Is there an expected release date/time on 9.91? I have to schedule maintenance windows 48 hours in advance and I'd like to have some idea when I can schedule the update.

Contributor II

+1 @kitzy Any eta for the 9.91 update?

Contributor III


In regards to the inventory not being parsed. I run windows 2012 R2. I fixed my parsed error messages by deleting the ROOT directory and letting tomcat re-unpack the ROOT.war file (providing it was up-to-date.)

Not sure if we're talking about the same thing though.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Hey everyone - 9.91 shipped this morning.

@tthurman - Yes this is the same issue and is now resolved with the updated Windows installer.

New Contributor III

I'd like to request that the product team link to the release notes when posting about a new release. It would save us the step of searching for them.Thanks.

If anyone else is looking for these notes, here are links to 9.9 and 9.91:'s_New_in_This_Release.html's_New_in_This_Release.html