Config Profile Disappeared and other strange activity

New Contributor III

We have raised a ticket for this and waiting for a senior engineer.

On Friday our WiFi profile appears to have disappeared completely from Jamf Pro with only a v1 that was loaded for some testing. Fortunately we deployed this to recover our estate.

Secondly, some dashboard views that many of us had populated have also decided to “remove themselves”

We’ve checked users logs, activity logs, internal network activity and no one hit those areas during those times and in the “Config profile” tables the WiFi profile is missing (usually a deleted flag would show).

Whilst we wait for a senior engineer to come back to us and tell us what’s happened has anyone else had anything similar happen to Jamf?

One of the other Config profiles may not have been so much of an impact but for it to pull our WiFi profile with Certs on for 802.1x caused a meltdown as no one with a MacBook could connect to the corporate network.