Config profile to create an alias on Desktop

Contributor II

Hello all,

Still getting up to speed on Config Profiles as I know they are the future,

I wanted to know if there is a template or existing way to create Aliases (symlinks) of applications to every users Desktops. My search here at JN was not fruitful.

I am sure it is easy, I am just not sure how to get there yet.




New Contributor III

You could use the dock payload. That's what we do to make obvious shortcuts for certain classes.

Contributor III

Hi @Randydid,
Once your file is in the desired location, you can lock down it's setting using:

#Change owner to root 
sudo chown root:wheel <file>

#Adjust permissions to read only for all users
sudo chmod 444 <file>

#Lock the Alias file to prevent future changes
sudo chflags uchg <file>

Contributor III

ln -s /path/to/original /path/to/destination still works (even on that most recent developer release). Use outset or similar to run at login.

New Contributor

Thank you for this thread and for the suggestion pete_c

That script works like a charm run directly in Terminal when entering this:
ln -s /Applications/Self /private/var/$USER/Desktop
Adding this as a script in the JSS and trying to push it via Jamf Remote (or login hook) initially succeeds according to the log, but doesn't display an alias.
Trying to push it a second time results in an exit error:
ln: /private/var/root/Desktop/Self File exists
It looks like the alias is being created but on the desktop of Root instead of the currently logged in user. Is there a way to have $USER not recognize that root is being used in order to run the script (if I'm reading right, Jamf always runs scripts as root)?

(I'm a bit new to scripting so I might be missing something super obvious or just misunderstanding everything entirely.)

(Edit - I was a goof and didn't think the script through carefully - this addition seems to have gotten the desired result for Self Service at least:


loggedInUser=$( scutil <<< "show State:/Users/ConsoleUser" | awk '/Name :/ && ! /loginwindow/ { print $3 }' )
ln -s /Applications/Self /Users/$loggedInUser/Desktop

Seems like it should be adaptable for other applications and could even be used as a post install script for something installed with a login trigger. )