Posted on 05-15-2015 04:55 AM
We have a company corp wifi (which can access the jss), when the mac logs in and the wifi starts up
I see the above in the jamf.log.
I guess because the wifi is still starting up when the jamf binary is checking for the login policies.
Does anyone have some ideas how i can get the mac to see the jss when the mac logins in and is connected to the corp WIfi?
So the login policies can run?
Posted on 05-15-2015 05:55 AM
@markc0 Can you advise more on how the wireless is configured?
The message might be that the Mac cannot connect to a DNS server to resolve the DNS name of the JSS.
Posted on 05-15-2015 05:59 AM
Thanks Ben, however i know it can resolve the name if i turn off the wifi and back on again.
My thoughts are that maybe the jamf binary is trying to connect before the wifi has fully started up.
i dont though if there is anyway to delay this
Posted on 05-15-2015 06:12 AM
@markc0 Not that I know, but what's you're seeing is not common.. so there maybe something in your wireless config to look at.
Posted on 05-15-2015 06:14 AM
Thanks again Ben, when you say this is not common
do you have a setup whereby when the mac starts up it connects to a corp wifi and is able to run login policies?
Posted on 05-15-2015 06:31 AM
@markc0 yes, using 802.1x here & at $last_job it worked too using WPA2.
Posted on 05-15-2015 06:41 AM
Thanks, with the 802.1x did you have to do anything extra to the macs for this?
like a config profile or something?
Posted on 05-18-2015 09:23 AM
I've been seeing the same thing too. We are using a 802.1x setup as well. We are using a config profile.
Posted on 06-18-2015 12:23 PM
We are seeing this same error while doing our new image of 10.10.3 for next year. Tried with and without a config profile and still get the error. No 802.1x auth just WPA2