New Contributor III

Joined: January 2013

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Hello, Sorry if this has been asked before. Is there a Wifi Profile that when someone tries to connect to an available WIFI it does not allow them? Thanks
Hello I delivered an application to load on macOS 10.13/10.14 and some 10.15 however i have seen that the allow button needs to be clicked. Is there any smart group/script to determine if this has been done?SO i can isolate those that need it?Thanks
hello As per my attachments , in System Preferences - Updates i get the message Updates for this mac are managed bu i select defaults and enter in my password, i get to view the updates i should be missing.Anyone with an idea as to why it...
Afternoon All I hear that this old plugin is going to be phased out, any one know of any time lines of when this might be? Or have i heard incorrectly?
Hello, in 10.13 we had this located in /Library/Bundles but im unable to see it in 10.14.Does anyone know where i can disable to apple software update notifications ?I do not wish to turn softwareupdate off but i dont want these notifications. Thanks
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