Contemplating moving from 8.43 to 8.52...any gotchas?

Esteemed Contributor III

We have an issue that 8.51 resolves, so we want to move to 8.52 (latest).

Any ground breaking gotchas? Or has everyone been happy with the upgrade?




One that I am aware of is if your search (advanced or saved) results do not return/contain a 10.7 machine, the results will be empty.

It's pretty annoying in my case still having only 10.6 machines managed by Casper.

If you have a 10.7 machine, you can use smart groups work around this. Basically you use your smart group to include your regular search, then have another smart group that contains a 10.7 machine. Then you can do the search on "group 1 OR group 2" and return the results. The downside is you would have to modify any current saved searches.

JAMF reported being aware of this issue and it should be fixed in the next release - they said would be "soon."

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Jacob, I thought 8.52 addressed this?

(apologies, wrong name).


Sorry - that's possible. JAMF's bulk emails don't like our email filter - so I always have to check myself for updates to the version. I guess I'll be updating to fix that issue. Downloading now...

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Thanks. Please let me know. I've that issue too.


The search issue IS resolved in 8.52.

Valued Contributor II

Everything is working as expected here. I noticed that at some sites http downloads seemed to be slow, but that is probably something else and not JAMF related.

Valued Contributor

I get AD binding issues if I reimage a machine already on AD. Had no problems with 8.43

Thu Apr 26 09:49:01 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory.  You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 1)
Thu Apr 26 09:49:11 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory.  You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 2)
Thu Apr 26 09:49:21 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory.  You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 3)
Thu Apr 26 09:49:31 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory.  You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 4)
Thu Apr 26 09:49:41 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory.  You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 5)
Thu Apr 26 09:49:41 casper-test-7 jamf[427]: Error: Giving up on Active Directory binding after 5 attempts.

Esteemed Contributor III

@Kumarasinghe 8.52?


Valued Contributor II

Esteemed Contributor III

@tkimpton Thanks Tim! We have a couple new Mac Packagers starting and it's likely they'll be mostly working in PackageMaker - at least until Composer gets the HW/SW check popups we asked for. :)

I'll plan the 8.43>8.52 upgrade for this weekend...


Valued Contributor

I just now updated from 8.5.1 to 8.5.2 and am now getting a 404 error when I try to access the JSS.

Already resolved with support. Had to reset the web.xml file.

Valued Contributor

@Don Yes. Still having issues with 8.52.

Most probably you might see issues if you have post image scripts set 'At Reboot'.

Valued Contributor

Updated from 8.22 to 8.52 two days ago with no issues. Loving some of the new MDM stuff for our iPads!

Esteemed Contributor III

@Kumarasinghe What kind of issues are you seeing with "At Reboot" scripts? We have several, so would love to know. :)


Valued Contributor II

We also use "at reboot" and would like to know about 8.52 issues with it. We have a post image 'at reboot' script that manually starts binding policy, so @Kumarasinghe makes me wary of upgrading as well. Thanks for any info.

Valued Contributor

First of all I have to thank JAMF for v8.5 as it has very nice features. I'm eagerly waiting for these issues to be fixed as I would really love to use the full features of v8.5x

These issues have been logged with QA Engineers at JAMF already with instructions given to reproduce the behavior.

With v8.5x Imaging Tasks Completed After Reboot Process has been changed and causing these issues for us. I have JSS v8.51 installed and for the workaround we use Casper Imaging 8.43 in our NetBoot image until JAMF fixes these issues.

Bit of Background:
We use InstallESD image method described in by Jason and all the custom settings like Localisation, NTP, Language, etc setup via a post image script 'At Reboot' (customised script of Tom Larkin's post install script -

Everything works fine with JSS 8.43.

Issues with v8.51/8.52:
1. We have MDM profile and AD binding issues with v8.51 and v8.52

  1. With v8.51 when you compile a configuration from Casper Admin, if you have packages with “install at imaging time” ticked, those packages will not install when compile.

I'm pretty sure that JAMF engineers will address these issues in no time as they are the best!!!!

Esteemed Contributor III

@Kumarasinghe Many thanks for posting your findings. I have to admit this has us spooked as our imaging process includes AD binding, as well as installation of stuff at first reboot. We've wanted to get an AD virtual machine for our LAB but haven't received it yet, time to rattle some cages. :) We'll hold off on the upgrade for now.


New Contributor II

We just upgraded from 8.2 to 8.5.2 almost everything seems to be smooth. But we're also experiencing some of the same issues at @Kumarasinghe. We are using the same method along with Tom Larkin's script.

When using Casper imaging 8.5.2 It seems as if our After reboot scripts are running at every startup. I have the script set to shut the machine off at the end of the script execution. So after logging into the computer with the accounts that were created via the script (or any other account not created by the script,) the machine shuts off. Also if you do a recon via terminal, the machine shuts off. We've just reverted back to Casper Imaging 8.2 and everything works fine.

Also I've tested our AD binding with Imaging 8.5 and it is working perfectly.

Valued Contributor


Please test AD binding to a machine already bound to AD and see if you get any errors in the log file.
e.g.- Image a machine with AD binding and re-image the same machine with same name and check the /var/log/jamf.log afterwords.

Another post regarding binding issue;

New Contributor

Hi All, I have recently upgraded from 8.31 to 8.52.

Everything is working fine except it seems to have broken image deployment via Netboot.

I didn't notice at first as the distribution point I use for testing is ok. Bad thing is, it's only 1 out of 6 DP's that I have working at the moment. When I say working it can deploy my 10.6 base image via Netboot though not my 10.7 base image.

The weird thing is if I go to start-up disk I can see the netboot images though they fail to connect to the DP/ netboot server upon restart.

I re-created my 10.7 base image with the latest 8.52 Casper Imaging app as suggested in an earlier post though it has not resolved my issue. Didn't re-create my 10.6 image as yet given it works on one DP at the moment.

Prior to the upgrade everything was working fine. I have checked all the basics such as Netboot turned on all servers, no changes to the network, servers on the same subnets, JSS has all the correct distribution point/ netboot server info etc

The only thing I can think of is that maybe even though the DP's & Netboot servers appear ok in the JSS the upgrade did not properly migrate this information over?

I really need to get this working ASAP as we have a couple of labs to deploy & staff machines to build!

I can confirm that AD binding is ok via remote & via image deployment.

Any ideas?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

did you update the Casper on the NetBoot images?

New Contributor

False alarm on the casper upgrade side of things. Looks like I may have have a network issue that has coincided with the upgrade (though not yet confirmed).

I have checked the netboot service logs and one particular line stands out "subnets: create failed, 'net_range' start not within subnet".

As I explained earlier I can see the the netboot images via startup disk though when I select the netboot image & restart it eventually boots into the primary disk/ OS. If I boot up holding down the option key I only get the primary drive (MacIntosh HD) displaying.

I'm stumped as none of my server settings have changed and imaging via netboot has been working fine since the implementation casper 6 months ago.

Valued Contributor II

I upgraded to 8.52 and am now seeing the binding issue @Kumarasinghe talks about above

An error occurred binding to Active Directory: dsconfigad: This computer is already 'bound' to Active Directory. You must 'unbind' with '-remove' first. (Attempt 5)
Error: Giving up on Active Directory binding after 5 attempts.

Stange though - the mac is bound, I can login with domain credentials ok and the JSS also reports machine is bound. I'm a little concerned about computers being imaged with a new name maybe having an issue binding though, will have to test.

Valued Contributor II

updated typo above. Should have said "I upgraded to 8.52 and am NOW seeing the binding issue @Kumarasinghe talks about above"