Custom ports for Jamf AD CS connector

New Contributor


Do you know if its possible to use custom ports with Jamf AD CS Connector?

Our company don't use standard port as its security issue for them.

++ Feature request -


Valued Contributor II

This isn’t the cleanest solution and hardly in keeping with good security practice, but you could use a port tunnel by setting up PuTTY on the Windows boxes and redirect [standard port] to [custom port].

Tutorial: link

EDIT: I just noticed that your company is blocking DCOM. Your network admin needs to be slapped with a wet fish. They are practicing “security through obscurity” by hiding or blocking non-standard ports. This is the worst way to secure a system. There are smarter ways to secure directory services (and networked systems in general). For example: they could have configured the system to only allow connections from certain trusted IPs. This is a superior approach that follows a “zero trust” model.

Blocking DCOM because it can be hacked? Why are they even allowing unsolicited connections from “any” ??