Posted on 09-23-2019 01:27 AM
Do you know if its possible to use custom ports with Jamf AD CS Connector?
Our company don't use standard port as its security issue for them.
++ Feature request -
Posted on 09-23-2019 10:36 AM
This isn’t the cleanest solution and hardly in keeping with good security practice, but you could use a port tunnel by setting up PuTTY on the Windows boxes and redirect [standard port] to [custom port].
Tutorial: link
EDIT: I just noticed that your company is blocking DCOM. Your network admin needs to be slapped with a wet fish. They are practicing “security through obscurity” by hiding or blocking non-standard ports. This is the worst way to secure a system. There are smarter ways to secure directory services (and networked systems in general). For example: they could have configured the system to only allow connections from certain trusted IPs. This is a superior approach that follows a “zero trust” model.
Blocking DCOM because it can be hacked? Why are they even allowing unsolicited connections from “any” ??