Posted on 08-06-2017 06:10 AM
Hey Guys,
I'm having difficulty figuring out how to use Casper to uninstall CylancePROTECT silently for individual mac. Uninstaller is password protected and I'm not getting any option/Terminal command to send password for the uninstallation. Can somebody help me out in this if already faced the same issue?
Posted on 08-15-2017 08:51 AM
This is what we use
/Applications/Cylance/Uninstall CylancePROTECT --noui --password="your password"
Posted on 08-15-2017 09:16 AM
@nickysnakes Using that as well with a bit more.
installStatus=$(ls -1 /Applications/ | grep "Cylance")
if [[ $installStatus == "Cylance" ]]; then
echo "Cylance will be removed."
/Applications/Cylance/Uninstall CylancePROTECT --noui --password="<PASSWORD>"
echo "Cylance has been removed."
jamf recon
echo "Cylance was not detected."
exit 0