Default Font Outlook Mac

New Contributor

We use Mac and Windows with Outlook in our school
In the group policy I can configure default fonts for Windows

How can I configure Default Fonts for Mac for all the users in the organization

Kind regards,


Esteemed Contributor II

Esteemed Contributor II

Hi how do I get the script to work? I added it to scripts in Jamf but it doesn't work. The message that pops up says that the registry does not exists for MicrosoftRegistrationDB.reg and no such file or directory, Registry could not be created

New Contributor

@sdagley - I have played with the script and sorted it

Thank you so so much for this
Kind regards,

New Contributor III

Hi everyone,

Would someone be able to explain how to deploy this OutlookFontPoke script for Arial 11?

I am failing to understand the logic of the script, it's dirving me insane.

Thank you


I'm trying to get this to run at login. Here is what I have but it is not working.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.mycompany.fontpoke</string> <key>Program</key> <string>/Users/Shared/</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>'Arial' '12.0pt' 'black'</string> </array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/>

I have also tried splitting the program arguments out as separate strings in the array, and also removing the ' ' . No luck.

Esteemed Contributor II

@DavidN A couple of problems in what you're trying:
- The script looks to be designed to be run by the logged in user's account, but if you're running from a LaunchDaemon it'll be running as root
- You shouldn't use both the Program and ProgramArguments keys. ProgramArguments is what you should be using, and the first 2 items in your array would be:


A good guide to LaunchAgents/Daemons is
You'll also find the article Running a Command as another User helpful.


Thanks for the response. I am running this as a launchAgent and have tried it both in /Library/LaunchAgents as well as ~/Library/LaunchAgents. I have also tried the syntax you have above /bin/sh with the script. It also needs parameters passed into it.

'Arial' '12.0pt' 'black'

I thought the parameters would be ProgramArguments while the Program would be the script itself. Is that not correct?


Here's the answer:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict> <key>Label</key> <string>com.mycompany.fontpoke</string> <key>ProgramArguments</key> <array> <string>/Users/Shared/</string> <string>Arial</string> <string>12.0pt</string> <string>black</string>

</array> <key>RunAtLoad</key> <true/>

New Contributor III

Hi everyone,

Would someone be able to explain how to deploy this OutlookFontPoke script for Arial 11?

I am failing to understand the logic of the script, it's dirving me insane.

Thank you

New Contributor II

Trying to use OutlookFontPoke both locally and through Jamf.  Getting "OutlookFontPoke: command not found" when trying to run OutlookFontPoke from pbowden using the example command:

Thinking that I was doing something wrong I tried using outlookFontSet from quedayone but getting the same error:


Just need to set a default font for Outlook (I was able to get Word and PP to accept Normal.dotm and Normal.potx but Outlook doesn't seem to load NormalEmail.dotm anymore as a template...)

New Contributor II

In working with Paul Bowden (author of OutlookFontPoke), we were able to come up with a deployable version of this script.  This is how we did it:

1. Drop OutlookFontPoke and TemplateRegDB.reg on the system in an accessible location (I kept it in the folder OutlookFontPoke-master and dropped it in Users/Shared)

2. In Jamf Scripts, create a script with these commands:

#send command to OutlookFontPoke v2.1 by Paul Bowden

#Get Current User
loggedInUser=$(/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }')
echo $loggedInUser " is logged in"

#fix permissions
chmod +x /Users/Shared/OutlookFontPoke-master/OutlookFontPoke

# Run command as current logged in user
sudo -u $loggedInUser /Users/Shared/OutlookFontPoke-master/OutlookFontPoke 'Helvetica' '11.0pt' 'gray'

# Cleanup files
rm -rf /Users/Shared/OutlookFontPoke-master

exit 0

3. Add both the package and script (script priority set to after) to a policy to run at your needed cadence.  This is a one time set and is not enforced so the user can change it in Outlook settings.

I am trying to make it a bit more future proof by adding in Parameter Values but it am having issues passing into or with ' ' (any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, can't remember/find how)

New Contributor III

This worked perfectly. Thank you so much for simplifying it.

Not sure if I did something unusual but I think I got it to work with parameters and didn't need any of the extra stuff from your comment.

  • I added the actual script to Jamf (as is from the repo)
  • Modified FONTNAME to use $4, FONTSIZE to $5, and FONTCOLOR to $6
  • Defined the parameters in Jamf
  • Put the script in a policy and filled in the parameters
  • Ran it from Self Service
  • Restarted Outlook and verified the fonts had changed

Is the fact that I ran it from Self Service a factor here?

No, running from Self Service makes no difference.

I used a newer Version of the OutlookFontPoke from here:

I created a PKG for that script which installs into


My Script for setting up Font parameters via Jamf Policy:

#send command to OutlookFontPoke v2.1 by Paul Bowden

# Variables
nameFont=$4 	#eg "Arial"
echo "### nameFont - $nameFont"
sizeFont=$5		#eg "11.0pt"
echo "### sizeFont - $sizeFont"
colorFont=$6	#eg "gray"
echo "### colorFont - $colorFont"

#Get Current User
loggedInUser=$(/bin/ls -l /dev/console | /usr/bin/awk '{ print $3 }')
echo $loggedInUser " is logged in"

#fix permissions
chmod +x "$pathToScript"

# Run command as current logged in user
sudo -u $loggedInUser $pathToScript $nameFont $sizeFont $colorFont

exit 0

My settings for the Script in the Jamf Console look like this:

Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 17.36.26.png

 And the Policy settings are like this:

Screenshot 2025-03-11 at 17.37.26.png

The Script runs once per day and log in, this ensures that things are ready before Outlook starts.

I didn't think so but I wasn't sure if triggering it from Self Service might run it AS the user.

Anyway, it worked for me without creating a package or any of that extra stuff though. I just used the original ( but changed lines 125-127:


Bretterson_0-1741713500607.png  Bretterson_2-1741713574069.png

I did it on my user, which already had Outlook setup and everything, I just changed all the font preferences before running it. I just feel like I must be missing something, because I'm not that good of a script writer for it to be that easy of a fix.

New Contributor

works for me on monterey, but not on ventura.. anyone got that working on ventura?

New Contributor II

I did have more consistent success injecting the fonts in question to /Users/$userName/Library/Group\ Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/FontCache/4/CloudFonts/.  The fonts I am using are not a default font set though...  Then I setup an EA and smart group to test for existence of those fonts before setting the default.