Default Printer Presets

Not applicable

Hello everyone,

I need to create a print policy, that when a user logs into their machine they have a defaults preset of Black and White double sided printing. They still need to have the ability to change to colour, or modify/create additional presets. If the user changes any of the presets, once they log back in again, the policy will need to always default to black and white, double sided. We use follow-me printing in the agency, all the printers are HP Edgelines. Help would be much appreciated :)


Myron Joffe
Senior Mac Engineer
JWT London IT Department

myron.joffe at
Telephone: 020 7656 7033


Valued Contributor II

Well, I don't know much about the enforcement portion of it, but to
change the defaults, you can do so through CUPS... open Safari / FireFox
and do http://localhost:631 <http://localhost:631/> --> Administration
Tab (across the top) --> Manage Printers --> Select the printer you wish
to adjust defaults for --> Under the Administration drop down box select
Set Default Options --> (set any installed options) --> Click on
"General" tab --> and set your Print Style (2 sided printing) and any
other settings.

Then you can upload that to Casper for printer deployments. There may
be a more elegant way to do it, but this way worked for us.

I can get some screen captures if it would make it easier.

John Wojda

Lead System Engineer, CTS

3333 Beverly Rd. B2-338B

Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

Phone: (847)286-7855

SMS / Text Page: 2245873298
<mailto:12245873298 at>

Team Lead: Chris Sta Ana
<mailto:cstaana at;jwojda at

New Contributor III


Previously we had been creating customized presets to enable duplex as default for printer deployments, but found your instructions to be much more reliable. Thanks!

Contributor II

Is there a way to set a default for all printers?

New Contributor III

Hi John,

I like your idea, but you say "Then you can upload that to Casper for printer deployments". How do you upload CUPS setting for the specific printer to JSS for deployment? I have it set how I want, but am stuck on how to implement.


New Contributor

My executives just pinged me to get this set as well for the default to B&W. Any updates on how to do this?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@JimAllsop, you can use lpadmin with lptoptions to specify things such as B+W.

As long as the device driver supports it, I've a write up on something similar as an example:

New Contributor

Thanks @bentoms

I must admit I new to script writing and in my test machines I am having some issues getting it to work.


lpoptions -p "AdmPri-TechServicesA" -l
-o EFColorMode=Grayscale
exit 0

Here is what I have and it does not seem to be working am I missing something? Thanks in advance!

New Contributor

I tried this as well and it didn't work.

/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p
lpoptions -p "AdmPri-TechServicesA" -l
-o EFColorMode=Grayscale
exit 0

I am missing something simple.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@JimAllsop, Looks like your almost there. :)

But it looks like you've not been pointing the command to the PPD, amend the below with the PPD's location.


/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p <insert_printer_name> -E -v "AdmPri-TechServicesA" -P <insert location of PPD>-o EFColorMode=Grayscale"

New Contributor

Thanks for the help!

I have modified the scrip to look like this. /usr/sbin/lpadmin -p AdmPri-TechServicesA -E -v AdmPri-TechServicesA -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources -o EFColorMode=Grayscale

Now when I run it in terminal to test I get "lpadmin: Is a directory" I can't seem to find what I am missing here. Thanks so much @bentoms for your help. The good news is when I get it right for my office printer I get to do it for 63 other printers! OH JOY!!!! (please use sarcasm when reading the last part.)

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

The only thing I see that is wrong in your statement is that you are not defining a PPD for the printer. You are pointing to the directory, but not to the actual printer PPD file.

This is the command I use for a Dell color printer we have here. Notice the -P option goes all the way to the actual PPD file:

lpadmin -p ATT-Test-Printer -L "19th Floor Copy Room" -E -o printer-is-shared=false -v lpd://x.x.x.x -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/Dell 5130cdn Color Laser PS.gz

You can try just entering: /usr/sbin/lpadmin to make sure you get a return. Should get info about what switches to use in Terminal.

New Contributor

/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p AdmPri-TechServicesA -E -v AdmPri-TechServicesA -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/LANIER MP C3002.gz -o EFColorMode=Grayscale

I get an error for MP??

Valued Contributor II

@JimAllsop][/url, if you'll notice the example that @stevewood][/url sited for you, he has the back slash ( ) character before the spaces in the name of the folder. Those are important. Your command should look like:

/usr/sbin/lpadmin -p AdmPri-TechServicesA -E -v AdmPri-TechServicesA -P /Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/LANIER MP C3002.gz -o EFColorMode=Grayscale

New Contributor

Thanks so much @mpermann and @stevewood ! I really appreciate it!

New Contributor II

So say you got the default Setting set up so that a particular color printer is set to print Black and white. I've done that, and I also set up an optional "Color" preset for the one-offs of required color printing.

But I can't seem to capture the preference, or find the command to set the "Show Preset's dialog to select the "Reset Presets Menu to "Default Settings" After Printing" for Mac OS 10.9.1. If I can get this selected then even though the user changes to the Color preset, it will always go back to the default preset at the next print job, instead of keeping the previous preset (Color) used.

Any suggestions on how to set this option?

Not applicable


Maybe you guys can help me on this. I'm trying to follow this but no luck. Pls. help we have a printer Ricoh which the model is MP C3504ex PS and we are using follow you print in our school. We want in our printer grayscale as out default settings. I tried to follow the guide but no luck.

Contributor II

yeah im not see this working in Mojave as well.

when i do a lpoptions -p MW_Color_Duplex -l i see it as Duplexing is set, but it does not set it in the GUI printe box.

Also tried to set the CUPS local host way, it says it is set for

Defaults: job-sheets=none, none media=na_letter_8.5x11in sides=two-sided-long-edge

but nothign is actaully changing inthe GUI.

Thansk for any help.

Contributor III

For those of you trying to set up optional printer hardware (ie Finishers, lower paper trays, etc.)...

Here's my approach to configuring printers in general... I set this up as a Self-Service Policy.

First, I install the printer driver onto a machine (a "Gold Master" of sorts) and I manually configure that printer for all the appropriate Lower Paper Trays, Finishers, etc.

Then I use these tools to find out the proper flags I need to use...

From there, I build the following script and upload to my Jamf Server...


# Printer Installation Script

# Office Location: Address, City, State ZIP Country

# Change Control
#     2017-08-09
#         Modified by Caine Hörr <>
#         Added $6 to array to allow for additional -o option flags
#         Enabled CUPS web interface
#         Organized printers by floor
#     2016-09-27
#         Original Script written by Brandon Modesitt (Interlaced) <>

# 1. CUPS Name (-p $1)
# 2. Physical Address Location (-L $2)
# 3. FQDN Address (-E -v $3)
# 4. Description as seen by the user (-D $4)
# 5. Path to PPD file (-P $5)
# 6. Additional printer configuration options ($6)

# Obtain all additional -o options via ppdOptionsDiff.command script

# Enable CUPS web interface
cupsctl WebInterface=yes

# Add printer function
addPrinter() {
    lpadmin -p "$1" -L "$2" -E -v "$3" -D "$4" -P "$5" "$6"

    # Printer installation error checking
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo "ERROR: Failed to add $1.  Verify that the correct printer driver has been installed."
        echo "Successfully added $1."

# Printers to be configured

# DNS:

Address, City, State ZIP Country
1st Floor
/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/RICOH MP C6004
-o printer-is-shared=false -o OptionTray=2Cassette"

# DNS:

Address, City, State ZIP Country
2nd Floor
/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/RICOH MP C4504ex
-o printer-is-shared=false -o OptionTray=2Cassette"

# Call to add printer function
addPrinter $printer01
addPrinter $printer02


First, I deploy printer drivers to my entire fleet via a Jamf Computer Policy. I upload the driver pkg file into Jamf and I use a workflow consiting of Computer Smart Groups and recuring checkins, etc. Do the typical stuff, check for proper macOS version, Jamf Binary is current, do they already have the driver or not, etc.

After that, I create a Self Service Policy that runs the aforementioned script. Now my users can install printers to their hearts content.

No fuss no muss.


Kind regards,

Caine Hörr

A reboot a day keeps the admin away!

Contributor II

So that what i did, first deploy the drivers form Apple.
Then i create a printer using Jamf Admin
But when i try to set defaults like double sided pritning i cant get it to work in Mojave, no matter what commnds I sue, even using CUPS doesnt seem to work. The web page shows it set but when i go to print i still have to check teh box for 2 sided printing.

What am i missing? Do i need to point to he PPD?

lpadmin -p MW_Color_Duplex -o Duplex=DuplexNoTumble -E

when i do a list it shows it as set.

lpoptions -p MW_Color_Duplex -l | grep Duplex Duplex/Two-Sided: None DuplexNoTumble DuplexTumble HPOption_Duplexer/Duplex Unit: True False HPManualDuplexSwitch/Manual Duplex: True False HPManualDuplexPrintGuide/Print Reinsertion Guide: True False HPManualDuplexOrientation/Binding: *DuplexNoTumble DuplexTumble