Deploy internal SSL cert authority via Casper

New Contributor

We are using an Astaro Security Gateway (ASG) firewall at our school. We would like to turn on the "Scan HTTPS (SSL) Traffic" setting. This places our ASG firewall as a man-in-the-middle of all HTTPS traffic. Doing so requires adding the ASG to each device (iOS & OSX) as a trusted certificate authority.

How can we leverage Casper to deploy an internal SSL cert authority to all iOS & OSX devices?


Honored Contributor

It's a 2 step process:

  1. You have a package that lays down the certificate file somewhere. /Library/Application Support/YourOrganization is a good spot.
  2. A script fires off that actually installs it:
    security add-trusted-cert -d -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain /Library/Application Support/YourOrganization/NameOfCertificateFile.pem

Casper: Assisting your Big Brother DPI needs in a friendly and disarming way ;)

New Contributor

will that script install for multiple browsers?

Honored Contributor

That will install it to the OS's keychain. Any browser that uses the system keychain will work fine (Safari, Chrome).

Firefox has its own keystore and it's a PITA to get it in there. Look at CCK Wizard and deploying your own custom Firefox if that's the case.

New Contributor

Big brother thanks you! ;-)