Posted on 06-28-2016 06:32 AM
When using the $devicename variable in the lock screen message configuration payload will the lock screen message update when the device is renamed?
Posted on 06-28-2016 07:38 AM
In doing some testing today I found the lock screen message was set when the profile was applied but after renaming the device and updating the inventory the lock screen message did not update. The lock screen would only update after removing then applying again after the name change.
Posted on 06-28-2016 07:56 AM
Hi Josh, we had the same issue because we don't allow the name change in our restrictions configuration profile, so even if we change it in the JSS it won't accept the name change. Through some experimenting we found that when we removed the profile from scope, and then updated the name in the inventory record, the name did update on the iPad and in the inventory record.
We remove the iPad or smart group from the scope temporarily as an exclusion, and then remove them from the exclusion once the name has been corrected.
1) Restrictions-general shared (Configuration Profile) > Edit > Scope > Exclusions > +ADD > Find the Mobile Device or Mobile Device Group > ADD > Save > Distribute to NEWLY enrolled devices (NOT TO ALL!!)
2) Find iPad in JSS > click on Edit original > update the name in the inventory record > update inventory > name should be updated on iPad and in inventory record.
3) After device name has been corrected, go back to the configuration profile and remove the device from the exclusion. Restrictions-general shared (Configuration Profile) > Edit > Scope > Exclusions > REMOVE the Mobile Device or Mobile Device Group > Save > Distribute to NEWLY enrolled devices (NOT TO ALL)
Hope this is understandable and it helps
Posted on 06-28-2016 08:19 AM
Thanks that does help. I worked out a similar workflow when testing yesterday.