Disable "Turn Off Filevault..." button

Honored Contributor

Does anyone know if it's possible to disable (MCX??) the "Turn Off Filevault..." button in the FileVault 2 preference pane?


Honored Contributor

Well, it's a little more of a "buckshot" approach instead of a "tactical strike," but I modified /etc/authorization such that only users in the "wheel" group can unlock the Security & Privacy prefpane. (Only root is in the wheel group.)

'at'll do.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Jared, do you mind sharing where you made the changes?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

FYI - That's not the only place where FileVault 2 can be turned off in the GUI.

If you launch Disk Utility while booted from an encrypted drive, you can select your boot drive, then select Turn Off Encryption... from the File menu. It'll prompt you for a password, but the password of any account that appears at the FileVault 2 pre-boot login screen will work here. Once the password's been accepted, it'll start decrypting.

Honored Contributor
Jared, do you mind sharing where you made the changes?


            <string>Checked by the Admin framework when making changes to the Security preference pane.</string>
                <string>??? ?????</string>
                                 ......*Ooodles of localization entries.*..
                <string>__APPNAME__ ??????“??????”?????</string>

Change that admin to wheel or some other group.

Yeah, I'm realizing just like with anything else, there's more than one way to skin a cat with decryption. Perhaps this is one of those things that 10.8 will bring. I should dig into that tomorrow. It's not up to me, unfortunately. This is one of those things that keep Risk guys up at night in a financial company. There's got to be only authorized users that can decrypt a machine. I wonder if I could actually tweak /etc/authorization such that to even use diskutil you'd need to be in the wheel group...

<<dr. evil finger to lips>>

I'll report on this tinkering tomorrow.

Valued Contributor II

anybody have good news about there being a policy setting to prevent this in 10.8?
i could just remove the security preference pane like i do with iCloud. and I have yet to be able to decrypt any drive through the graphical disk utility. So, I doubt many average users would figure it out.
diskutil from the command line however is a great way to undo encryption.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

As of 10.8.4, Apple added the need for admin authorization in order to decrypt with diskutil:


That change did have one side-effect though:


Legendary Contributor III

But bottom line is, there is really no effective way to prevent an admin user, especially one that is an authorized FileVault user on the system, from decrypting their drive, right?
We're struggling with this as well. We've been considering blocking the Security & Privacy pane in System Preferences, but we're reluctant to take that step just yet. I wish I could only block the FileVault tab itself from being accessed. I'd even be cool with disabling it for everyone, including IT, since we have other methods of accessing FileVault encryption information.
I know that disregards the diskutil aspect of decrypting, but it would be a good step since most users will try to decrypt from the Preference Pane.

New Contributor II

You can force encryption with an Apple profile. Once it is encrypted, the turn off file vault button greys out.


Any way to grey out the turn off filevault button without a config profile?

Valued Contributor

Why is a config profile a showstopper? Create one, and install it using the /usr/bin/profiles command.

Valued Contributor





@gregneagle The config profile to grey out the Turn off FileVault button has a bug in it, where users cannot change their local account passwords on their Mac's, which is a show stopper for me. JAMF Support has a work around but it does not work. This is why I'm trying to disable it without that profile.

Appreciate the links that you sent, unfortunately it did not work. I uploaded it to Casper and pushed it to my computer but the Turn Off FileVault button is not greyed out. Not sure why it didn't work, Casper may have stripped it once it uploaded. I'll keep messing with it, see if I can't get it to work, even if I have to install without MDM.

Valued Contributor

Sounds like it might be Casper's fault, as the profile works as expected when installed manually (double-clicking it) or via the /usr/bin/profiles command.


@gregneagle So installing it locally without Casper, it disables the Turn Off FileVault BUT if I upload and push through Casper, it does not work. :( Not sure why but still playing, thought I would just update you on that.

Contributor III
Contributor III

@oneloveamaru I'm seeing the same with version Casper 9.31. If I upload and push through Casper 8.73 it works as expected. I sent a support request to JAMF to see what might be causing this.


@golbiga Awesome, thanks for letting me know. Let me know what you find out and i"ll hold off on sending in a ticket of my own.


@gregneagle @golbiga 9.31 is altering the setting from /true to /false when uploaded, i have no idea why and Support isn't helpful at all. I was told if I Upload a signed profile Casper wouldn't edit it but i don't have the capability or time to do that right now.

Any ideas on how to take that 1 setting of "dontAllowFDEDisable", turning it into a plist file and then uploading it to Casper to the Custom Settings part of the config profile ? I'm not sure what the plist should look like for that to work.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Valued Contributor

If it were me, I'd side-step Casper's profile support entirely, since it's just getting in the way. I'd build a package that installed the profile (perhaps using Tim Sutton's tool here: https://github.com/timsutton/make-profile-pkg), then have Casper install the package, which I'd hope it could do without too many issues.


I have a smartgroup for Macs that have FileVault enabled with email alerts. So within a couple of days of someone turning off FileVault, that person will be having a little chat with HR.


@corbin3ci I do have a smartgroup already so I know when someone turns off FileVault but I want to make it harder for that to happen.

@gregneagle @golbiga I was able to create a plist with the settings I need to grey out the "Turn off FileVault" button and push them out through Casper with the Custom Settings in the Config Profile. Works perfectly!

Valued Contributor

I'll just leave this here...


The Config Profile support is pretty weak in the manual settings department. JAMF removed fully-custom settings management in one fell swoop by nerfing MCX and Manual Config Profiles simultaneously. This was one of the most powerful aspects of Casper 8 and the reason that we're still running it!

Valued Contributor II

why not make your own custom config profiles and upload them?

Valued Contributor

@nessts PITA to manage. I have to keep those somewhere outside of the JSS, modify them outside the JSS and re-upload them whole-hog any time I need to make a minor modification (such as plugin policy management).

This assumes that uploading a custom config profile doesn't break it, which - as evidenced above - is not a safe assumption.


@JPDyson I voted up your feature request the other day. I do agree it's a PITA to manage custom settings. This is one of the big drawbacks to using Casper for MDM.

New Contributor II

If you enable filevault with a profile using an institutional key, it will not only will grey out the disable profile button (once the drive is fully encrypted), but is also disables a user's ability to decrypt at the command line. Even if an admin tossed a Sudo fdesetup disable command. They will receive a message that says it has been disabled by a systems administrator.


@justingrigg][/url][/url @jarednichols][/url][/url @gregneagle][/url][/url @golbiga][/url][/url

This works any way you setup FileVault. Institutional and/or Individual key.

Take the below code, put it into a plist file called com.apple.MCX.plist. Not sure if the file name really matters. I did exactly this and it's working like a champ for me. Not only does it grey out the turn off filevault button but it even stops them from running "fdesetup disable" from the terminal.

Open up or create a new Config Profile and go to Custom Settings. Name of the preference domain: "com.apple.MCX" without the quotes - DO NOT put .plist at the end.

Make sure after upload it says: "{dontAllowFDEDisable=true} "

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
<dict> <key>dontAllowFDEDisable</key> <true/>

Valued Contributor


That's exactly the contents and function of the profile I posted over half a year ago in this thread:

If your process is what you have to do to get Casper to make an equivalent profile, then I'd be filing enhancement requests with JAMF. You should be able to import configuration profiles without all this drama.


@gregneagle You sent me that link originally but as I explained previously, the profile was being changed by JSS/Casper, which rendered it useless and it didn't grey out the disable filevault function. I opened a ticket and it is a bug in JSS/Casper which has been open for many many releases.

JSS/Casper actually has this functionality in their pre-compiled config profiles but again, bug in it which it not only greys out the disable filefault button but ALSO greys out the change password button, so users are unable to change their password. We use local users only, so this was a big bug for us. Again, opened defect with JAMF and still not fixed. I believe I opened sometime in the 9.3x release. Still not fixed in 9.6x release.

I can sign it and upload it so JSS/Casper can't change it but I didn't want to do it that way.

My way, I am able to throw it right into my FileVault key redirect config profile and works perfectly.

Valued Contributor II

@oneloveamaru][/url for what it's worth I made a plist based on Greg's suggestions using com.apple.MCX and the key value of dontAllowFDEDisable=true and that seems to work and allow password changes.

Valued Contributor III

The same works for me too : ) Can't remember if I made it from scratch( copied from Greg) or used "custom" in the JSS.
I do remember that it took a few tries to get it working : )


Legendary Contributor III

FWIW, Greg's profile also works for me. When I originally tried it, I also saw an odd inconsistency in how quickly it applied, but I then realized that it actually only takes affect once encryption completes, assuming you enable FV2 right away. I wish it worked more immediately, and I'm certain its an Apple thing and not anything to do with the Config profile, but if the Mac is in a conversion state, the button stays available. Only once its done encrypting or decrypting does it successfully apply and gray out the button. Bummer that it works that way, but it is what it is.