Dynamic Token Of Static Appreciation
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Posted on 05-08-2023 02:38 PM - last edited on 05-12-2023 10:07 AM by CalleyO
It's been a while since I posted anything, so, for (future) me & for you I am posting this script that dynamically updates Static Group membership.
You might be saying to yourself, "Dynamically updating a Static Group is impossibly dumb, because, that's what Smart Groups are for...", but, here is my dilemma:
I need to assess an endpoint state for which there are no good client-side attributes to collect.
In this particular case (if you must know, Microsoft modern vs. basic authentication) there is no definitive data on the endpoint that accurately reflects the sheer number of highly-variable user login behaviors in my environment. It's not that it's too hard, it just can't be accurately done (&, yes, I've talked to Microsoft... https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/exchange-team-blog/notes-from-the-field-does-outlook-for-mac-...).
The user login data I need (i.e., email addresses that are using basic auth) is available, however, in the Exchange logs. Because our Messaging team can ship me that log data I can use it to create Static Groups. When that data is updated I can dynamically change the membership of my designated Static Group, thus, Dynamic Static Groups™
I think it's a pretty cool idea with lots of potential use cases. The best way to do this isn't necessarily with a bash script but with something like AWS lambda. Here's my script anyways which also happens to include the boilerplate stuff I intend to use in the future for Jamf API token authentication (which was created using ideas from Bill Smith's fantastic Jamf blog post on the topic: https://community.jamf.com/t5/tech-thoughts/how-to-convert-classic-api-scripts-to-use-bearer-token/b...).
# functions & strings & variables
osaauth='Jamf Pro Authentication'
osapswd='Please enter your Jamf API password:'
osauser='Please enter your Jamf API username:'
usrcrnt="$(/usr/bin/stat -f %Su /dev/console)"
tknhttp="$(/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X GET -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" "$jamfapi/auth" -o '/dev/null' -w "%{http_code}")"; /bin/sleep 1
case "$tknhttp" in
'200' ) tknvldt='OK' ;;
'401' ) tknvldt='Unauthorized' ;;
printf "Jamf API Token Status: %s\n" "$tknvldt"
printf "\nChecking Jamf availability & validating admin credentials...\n"
if /usr/bin/curl -LSs "$jamfchk" --connect-timeout 60 | /usr/bin/grep -q '\[\]'
apiuser="$(/usr/bin/sudo -u "$usrcrnt" /usr/bin/osascript -e "display dialog \"$osauser\" default answer \"\" buttons {\"Ok\"} default button 1 with Title \"$osaauth\"" -e 'set theName to text returned of result')"
apipswd="$(/usr/bin/sudo -u "$usrcrnt" /usr/bin/osascript -e "display dialog \"$osapswd\" default answer \"\" buttons {\"Ok\"} default button 1 with Title \"$osaauth\" with hidden answer" -e 'set thePswd to text returned of result')"
b64auth="$(/bin/echo -n "$apiuser:$apipswd" | /usr/bin/base64)"
printf 'The Jamf server may not be available. Please try again. Exiting...\n'; exit
printf "Obtaining Jamf API token...\n"
tkninit="$(/usr/bin/plutil -extract 'token' raw - <<< "$(/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Basic $b64auth" "$jamfapi/auth/token")")"; /bin/sleep 1; tknchck
if [ "$tknvldt" != 'OK' ]
printf 'Please ensure that your Jamf credentials are correct & try again. Exiting...\n'; exit
printf "\nCollecting all computers for each email address...\n"
emladdr=($(/usr/bin/sort "$authcsv" | /usr/bin/uniq | /usr/bin/sed 's/@/%40/g'))
for i in "${emladdr[@]}"
tnumarr+=($(/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X GET -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" "$jamfrsc/users/email/$i" | /usr/bin/xmllint --xpath "//computers/computer/name/text()" - 2> /dev/null)); /bin/sleep 0.5
if [ -z "${tnumarr[$j]}" ]
tnumerr+=($(echo "$i" | /usr/bin/sed 's/%40/@/g')); continue
printf "$((j+1))) %s: \n%s\n" "$(echo "$i" | /usr/bin/sed 's/%40/@/g')" "${tnumarr[$j]}"
for j in "${tnumarr[@]}"
apidata+="$(/bin/echo -n "<computer><name>$j</name></computer>")"
printf "\nNo computers found for: %s\n\n" "${tnumerr[*]}"
read -p '> Pausing to validate output above. Press RETURN to continue or CONTROL + C to cancel...'
printf 'Deleting current Static Group members...\n'
/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X PUT -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" -d '<computer_group><computers></computers></computer_group>' "$jamfstg"; /bin/sleep 2; echo
printf 'Verifying deletions...\n'
/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X GET -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" "$jamfstg" | /usr/bin/xmllint -format -; /bin/sleep 2; echo
printf 'Updating Static Group membership...\n'
/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X PUT -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" -d "<computer_group><computers>$apidata</computers></computer_group>" "$jamfstg"; /bin/sleep 2; echo
printf 'Verifying additions...\n'
/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X GET -H 'Accept: application/xml' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" "$jamfstg" | /usr/bin/xmllint -format -; /bin/sleep 2; echo
printf "Operations complete. Invalidating Jamf API token...\n"
/usr/bin/curl -LSs -X POST -H 'Accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer $tkninit" "$jamfapi/auth/invalidate-token"; /bin/sleep 1; tknchck
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Posted on 06-01-2023 11:14 AM
I'm floored...thank you so much @brockwalters!!!