El Capitan Self Service Dock icon

Honored Contributor

JSS 9.81

OSX 10.11.3 image

Right after imaging with OSX 10.11.3, computers enroll and I let all the post-enrollment policies do their thing. When I login as the local admin account, I see a question mark icon for Self Service. When I click it, I get an error:
This is how the Self Service icon is configured in JSS:
This works just fine with Yosemite images.
I've tried variations on the Path and none of them work in El Capitan. I've tried file://localhost... file:///Applications... file://Volumes/Macintosh HD/... /Volumes/Macintosh HD... I've also tried them all in quotes, but every single thing I try still creates this broken Self Service icon in El Capitan.

What do I need to put here to make the Self Service icon in the dock do what it's supposed to in El Capitan? Otherwise it just forces me to manually delete the broken icon and drag the program into the Dock.


Contributor III

@AVmcclint are you editing the existing dock item object in the JSS? I've noticed that with dock items, this doesn't always work. Try deleting the dock item completely, and then setting it up from scratch. Use this path.


Hope that helps!

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

Have you tried file://Applications/Self Service.app/ ?

Honored Contributor

Yep. I tried that with the same result.

Honored Contributor

I can add any of the other Dock ions with no problem on El Capitan. 8e8b59bac8954d81a9598d25b083513f
(even when I change Self Service to the exact same Path structure as the others, it fails)

I've experienced this in post-enrollment and via Casper Remote. I've tried having the Self Service icon be inserted at the beginning of the dock and at the end - same problem. It is very specific to Self Service and El Capitan. it has no problems at all with other apps and other OSes.

Contributor II

I have seen this exact same thing in 10.11.3 testing, though not all the time and not just from the Self Service dock icon itself.

Was receiving that exact 'no application set to open...' when trying to run anything from Self Service on 10.11.3 after a test full image. Self Service would open and everything scoped to my device was there but nothing would install.

Re-enrollment did nothing to fix the dock shortcut on one device or the actual content itself on another. The message persisted.

In the end I re-imaged the test devices with the exact same setup and the message has not re-appeared in any way. Understand that that is not an answer or real resolution but figured that I would share that I have experienced the same message.

Contributor III

@AVmcclint are you editing the existing dock item object in the JSS? I've noticed that with dock items, this doesn't always work. Try deleting the dock item completely, and then setting it up from scratch. Use this path.


Hope that helps!

Honored Contributor

Deleting the entry and creating it again in JSS did the trick. Weird, weird stuff.

Valued Contributor

Very nice this helped!

Thank you.