Export computers automatically from Jamf

New Contributor III

Does anyone know if it is possible to export / send Computer info in Jamf to a mail address automatically.
I have not found any other way than manually exporting the computers


Legendary Contributor III

No, there isn't an easy way to do it. I did hack something together a while back using the API, to pull a saved advanced search report and then using some python code to send the report as a csv attachment. It is pretty clunky though, and prone to various issues, so I never pursued it further.

That said, Jamf seems to be on this one and will eventually have something in the product that can do this. I say this because of the fact that this Feature Request has been partially implemented (iOS only right now), but will be coming for computers in a later version.

New Contributor III

Let's hope Jamf will implement this feature also for Computers. Thanks for the info