Extension Attribute for Firefox Browser extensions

New Contributor II

Hi Jamf Community,

I have been scouring the internet and developing my own script to pull the installed browser extensions from Firefox.

Does anyone have this working in their environments?

Problems I'm running into in my scripts

  • /Users/USERACCOUNT/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/* is profile driven, so there could be multiple profiles with different addons
  • addons.json file is problematic to work with. Formatting of the output is frustrating, looking to pull just the extension name and version in CSV format
    • I was able to achieve this using the jq CLT command, 
      extensions=$(cat "$addonsJson" | jq -r '.addons | map({name: .name, version: .version}) | .[]')
      However I dont want to install this CLT on every system for an EA.


Any help would be appreciated. Hoping there is a recent solution available that i missed. 


Esteemed Contributor II

@JoeRonin This article about parsing JSON on a Mac without installing jq might be useful to you: https://macblog.org/parse-json-command-line-mac/

New Contributor III

Having the same need so i'm asking, did you find any solution about that?
Thank you!

Esteemed Contributor II

For anyone running across this thread be aware that jq is now included with a standard macOS install as of macOS Sequoia