FileMaker Pro 15 Packaging

New Contributor

So I have been asked to roll out FileMaker 15 Advanced to our 200 users. Last year when we had to roll out version 14 I was able to used a script provided by FileMaker that creates a nice package using the installer and the AssistedInstall.txt file. Everything ran perfectly.

This year I am getting a weird error when I try and run the script.

-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `newline'

I am using the documentation found here.

Is anyone else running into this issue or experiencing any problems with rolling FMp15 out?


New Contributor

Have you tried running the installer using the AssistedInstall.txt using composer, then using that complete package for deployment? Funny, you posted this, I was literally in the process of planning the same for our 120 users.

Valued Contributor II

@KyleGDG I'm trying this for the first time, and I'm a little confused. If I use the script, will that pkg only be installable via ARD or will it push through Casper?

New Contributor

Hey @jwojda I set our script up and ran the installation using it via composer, then deployed with Jamf Pro. Seems to work pretty well so far.

New Contributor III

@nbrookes : which method did you exactly use?

We made a composer package of FileMaker 15 Pro at /Users/Shared using the .pkg containing the personalization file and ran after that a simple command:

installer -pkg /Users/Shared/FileMaker Pro 15/FileMaker Pro 15.pkg -target /

Valued Contributor II

@Apfelpom that worked for me as well. Have you been able to layer the patch(es) on for it w/o issue as well or do they need a custom package too?