FileVault Key Reset prompting constant authentication

New Contributor

Anyone have a fix to this issue? FileVault is prompting our user every week to authenticate.

Insight to this issue would also be appreciated, thanks


key reset


Valued Contributor II

this look like a policy specific to your jamf configuration. check polices / scripts / smart groups re FileVault? 

New Contributor

Out of roughly ~1000 devices this is one of the few that is getting the FileVault prompt constantly, so I assuming everything is fine for the most part?

Esteemed Contributor II

@nnz Look at the Computer Record for the Mac that's having this problem and look under History->Policy Logs to see what Policy is being triggered every week and displaying that prompt. Once you know what's doing that you can determine why, and if it's something you need to address specifically for that Mac, or if it's a sign of problems to come with all of your Macs.