Posted on 09-29-2016 11:53 AM
I'm trying to test the use of FileVault 2 with El Capitan machines.
Created Disk encryption configuration with Individual recovery key and it works fine. I have many systems which are already FileVault 2 enabled before enrolled with JAMF. I'm looking for best way to get them FileVault 2 compliant against my JAMF policy easily. JSS version 9.82 and Enabled fileVault 2 user is "Current or Next user". I was trying to assign new recovery key to 1 of the MAC but it got failed. Already checked articles 11580 and 8996
So I was thinking, Adding Management account as Enabled fileVault 2 user (script can work) then assign new recovery key might work in this case. If somebody has gone through with this issue please let me know.
Posted on 09-29-2016 01:10 PM
Posted on 09-29-2016 09:57 PM
in this situation my management account password is set for "randomly generated passwords", so I can't enter management account password in the script. And I am not that experienced in Apple scripts to make them user interactive. Could you please help me out a little bit to make that script user interactive and to bypass management account password dependency or if you have any other option in this case.
Posted on 10-03-2016 07:00 AM
Due to the way FileVault 2 is architected, to make changes on an encrypted computer you have to have one of the following two things:
Unfortunately, the only way to get the Individual recovery key stored in the JSS is to either use a JSS policy to encrypt the device, or to use the management account to generate a new key that is then stored in the JSS.
Off the top of my head, the only way to deal with your issue would be to build a policy workflow using a script and a set of policies that have custom triggers.
For example:
Create a policy that changes the management password to a known value and give it a custom trigger like "knownmgtpass"
Create a policy that issues a new individual recovery key and give it a trigger like "newIndKey"
Create a policy that changes the management password to an unknown value and give it a custom trigger like "unknownmgtpass"
Create a policy that removes the management account from FileVault and give it a custom trigger like "FVremovemgtacct"
Create a policy that runs the script that manages your workflow
Add your known management account information to lines 33 & 34, then your workflow script would look something like this:
### NOTE: There is no error checking in this script to see if the username entered is a valid FileVault user.
## Call policy to change the management account password to something we know
jamf policy -event knownmgtpass
TMPDIR=${TMPDIR:-/tmp} # defaults to /tmp if unset
# Creates a particular temporary directory inside $TMPDIR.
{ echo "ERROR creating a temporary file"; exit 1; }
# When the program exits, it tries to remove the temporary folder.
# This code is executed even if the process receives a signal 1,2,3 or 15.
trap '[ "$TEMPORARY_DIR" ] && rm -rf "$TEMPORARY_DIR"' 0
touch $TEMPORARY_DIR/tempfile # new tempfile inside folder
## Set variables for management account details
MGTUSER="" ##Enter management account username here
MGTPASS="" ##Enter management account password here
## Prompt the user for their existing FileVault credentials and use them to build the XML we need to add the management account to FileVault.
USERNAME=$(osascript -e 'set DIALOG_1 to the text returned of (display dialog "Username: " default answer "")')
USERPASS=$(osascript -e 'set DIALOG_2 to the text returned of (display dialog "Password: " default answer "" with hidden answer)')
## Build Plist
cat <<-EOF > $PLIST_TEMP
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
## Add Management account user to FileVault
/usr/bin/fdesetup add -usertoadd $USERNAME < "${PLIST_TEMP}"
## Call policy to issue new Individual Recovery Key
jamf policy -event newIndKey
## Call policy that removes management account from FileVault
jamf policy -event FVremovemgtacct
## Call policy that changes management account back to an unknown value
jamf policy -event unknownmgtpass
Posted on 10-04-2016 01:37 PM
This tool seems like it'll do exactly what you want.