Filter iOS Devices with Restrictions Enabled

New Contributor


I'm using Casper 9.5 in a school environment and I'm looking for a way to create a filter in JAMF that will show me iOS devices with restrictions enabled.

Some of my students are enabling restrictions on our iPads and I'm looking for an easy way to identify those devices so that I can clear the restrictions through Casper.

Thank you



I don't know of a way to get a report of devices with restrictions enabled.

What restrictions are they enabling and why do you need to clear them?

Do you have any that you wouldn't want to clear restrictions on? If you are on iOS 8 you can restrict students to not be able to enable restrictions with a configuration profile. You could use the API to send a command to all of your devices to clear the restrictions.


New Contributor


They are enabling restrictions to prevent the devices from being used by other students. They were able to do this because I didn't have the setting enabled in the configuration profile to prevent them from turning on restrictions. I have that setting enabled now, but there are some devices that have had restrictions enabled on them before I could prevent it.

Are there instructions on using the API to send a command to all devices simultaneously?

Thank you.


Do you have access to run a script on Linux? I don't know of any instruction to do exactly what you are looking for but I have a good idea of how to get it done.