Flash Player: Wither zero-touch extract embedded pkg trick...

Esteemed Contributor III

Thanks to Greg Neagle for the article...


Adobe needs to hand over control of the Flash Player development team to Jody Rodgers as they dropped the ball once again.

Jody is a modest person, so he never brags about how he spearheaded AAMEE, co-invented the aritifical heart, mentored NASA engineers on proper rover design...


Contributor III

I've always just plucked the Adobe Flash Player.pkg out of Resources folder within the app and just dropped it into the JSS and pushed it out. Forgot to mention that the update feature being busted doesn't matter much for me when we're maintaining the version.

Don't forget your extension attribute to go with it. =D


Contributor III

or (mostly) automate it via a luggage makefile:



See comment at bottom of article.



If you haven't already been caught off guard by this little bug. Beware auto updating Flash Player can cause just a wee bit of a headache. System will hang when logging out. For now I would avoid.

Esteemed Contributor III

Guys, thanks for the responses...glad this is effecting more than just us. :b

Greg posted an updated article...


...where is Jody Rodgers when you need him. I say put the Flash Player team under his watch and let's see that renegade group get their act together. ;)



Valued Contributor II

I do the same as craig and always just pluck out the real pkg.

Until Adobe get their act together I'm not doing anything different. Recently the Adobe Flash team made some major screw ups on the Windows side.

When Flash fail to work or Adobe bodge it up it always makes everyone realize how much they depend on that nasty little thing.

Honored Contributor

Hey Everyone,

For several years I have just grabbed the installer pkg out of the Adobe installer and dropped it into Casper Admin. I never once automated it from the web into production because I wanted to test it out first. Plus downloading flash and dropping the PKG into Casper Admin takes all of 2 minutes.

I'd hate to see a no touch automated setup deploy a new version of Flash with a HUGE security hole in it. Test your stuff first, but I don't think I need to remind this crowd.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

Hi all,

Patrick Fergus on the Mac Enterprise list submitted a bug to adobe (https://bugbase.adobe.com/index.cfm?event=bug&id=3295751).

If you look through the notes it looks like 11.4 will fix this, but as to when that will come out....

Release Candidate Programs Tester

Might have been fixed.

From: Patrick Fergus Date: 21 August 2012 15:54:09 GMT+01:00 To: MACENTERPRISE@LISTS.PSU.EDU Subject: Re: "Adobe Flash Player Install Manager" Preventing Logout? Reply-To: Mac OS X enterprise deployment project MACENTERPRISE@lists.psu.edu Flash Player 11.4.402.265 is out.  Haven't gotten a chance to test it but this is the version Adobe says addresses issues with failed silent updates at the login window. http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/ - Patrick